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Posts posted by FishFan2012

  1. Good article, might just dose more of their fertilizer then.

    I'm a non-water change planted tank type person, usually just top up so removing nutrients isn't my problem I don't think.

    Since my small tank is only 2.6 gal, I use bottled spring water to top it up every week.

    Though interesting point in there about dosing more as the plants grow.

    Already doing like 10x what they want on the bottle lol

    For small tanks it says like 2-5 drops per gallon or something, and I do like 10 drops 2x per week.

  2. Good article, might just dose more of their fertilizer then.

    I'm a non-water change planted tank type person, usually just top up so removing nutrients isn't my problem I don't think.

    Since my small tank is only 2.6 gal, I use bottled spring water to top it up every week.

    Though interesting point in there about dosing more as the plants grow.

    Already doing like 10x what they want on the bottle lol

    For small tanks it says like 2-5 drops per gallon or something, and I do like 10 drops 2x per week.

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  3. I've got the drop small bottle of "Easy Green" for my 2.6 gal fluval nano tank with snails in it.

    Salvinia minima, hornwort, dwarf hair grass, some dying mayaca sellowininia, and hygrophila corymbosa compacta growing but has issues.

    I've got some hygrophila corymbosa compacta and they get small pinholes in the older leaves, it grows new leaves, they're more yellow than dark green. Online scouring states that it's a potassium deficiency, I've been doing 10 drops 2x per week of Easy Green and yet the holes persist and the hygrophila is yellow ish. It's 9% potash, could I benefit from dosing a potassium supplement like flourish potassium (6%more) or API leaf zone (3% more K and 0.1% more Fe) on top of easy green?

    Or do you have any other suggestions?

    I have a Fluval nano light and it's at 75% power light ramp up (0-75-0) 2x per day over 5 hour period, with a 4 hours siesta. The salvinia is growing great, hornwort is great and has some red from light sunburn, dwarf hair grass  is shooting runners fast, hygrophila is supposed to be reddish but it's all light green even in the light directly and has the pinholes on leaves.

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