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  1. @Colu it covers his eye, and also has that white spot on his body that looks like the same thing. Eye looks really cloudy when viewed from the side, and it protrudes off it when looking at him head on. Can't really tell if it's fuzzy. It is affecting both eyes, but never at the same time, and mainly his right eye. I'll start the water changes to get the ammonia back down, and dose Prime.
  2. Hello! Very new to the hobby, so please bear with me. I have a 20 gallon tank with 7 Black Neons and 5 Ember Tetras. All was well, tank was healthy until I added some plants with root tabs. Shortly after adding the plants, one of my Embers started getting these white growths(?) on his eyes. I have been treating the tank with Tetra Lifeguard (what my local pet store had in stock) for the last 5 days. It looked like he was getting better after the first couple of days, but checking on him now and his right eye has a growth again, as well as a white spot on his body. All other fish, up to this point, are fine. All other fish are eating without issue, but I haven't seen this guy eat in a few days. I have switched to feeding every other day while medicating. I haven't done a water change since the medication says to avoid doing it until day 6. Water Parameters: pH - Approximately 6 Ammonia - 1ppm (yes, I know this is high, it was 0 for WEEKS until the plants got put in, and was fine until yesterday while treating with the meds) Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 5ppm
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