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  1. I have and no go on those either. There is only two, they came in a pair. They are currently in a 75 gallon tank but I do not plan on keeping them both so in a few months (once they are both healthy and growing) I will find a new tank or home for one and I will increase the others tank as he grows. I am aware of the risk of keeping them together so I will not risk that as they get older.
  2. Hi, I am new to owning Fahaka. I did a ton of research before my purchase but I still have questions. I planned on deworming them when they got here following the protocol here with three different rounds of treatment. My two that came yesterday are way smaller than I thought they would so I worry about the safety of the process with such little babies and also the recommendation of with holding food for entire week with them. Is it safe for them? They are eating very well and the little guy seems to have a sunken in stomach but other than that they seem to be doing well. They are going after blood worms but spitting them back out. I have also tried brine shrimp with some interest from the bigger one but none from the little one. Same with Mysis shrimp and small earth worm pieces. Any other suggestions on what to do to get them eating? One is about 1/2" and the other 3/4" long.
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