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Posts posted by K_lawns

  1. Some of the pics have a repeat. The really dark one with the longer dorsals is the same fish in a couple of them. Currently have 5 in a 20 long so that was my thought for next time they lay to remove the eggs. I just not sure which ones were laying them or which the male was or is. Thanks a lot everyone. Really helped. 

  2. Some of the pics have a repeat in them. The really dark one with the longer 2 dorsal rays is in a couple of the pics. But thank you very much every one. It’s been driving me mental trying to figure it out myself. Especially with them laying eggs twice within a week and both times them getting eaten. Next time I am def removing the eggs. 


  3. Not sure if I have any males in this group of 5. They keep laying eggs but then keep eating them, has happened twice now in a week. so not sure if they are unfertilized and just all females maybe?  Any help would be great


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