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  1. I figured and thought it was worth a shot to ask... I'll stick to keeping the 5G as a fry grow-out and use my 10G for breeding projects then. Thank you all! ❤️
  2. I just got some 5G tanks and was trying to think of something I could breed in there. Originally I was gonna do shrimp, but have been told it’s much easier to do that in a 10G for less swings in parameters. Any ideas would be great! Otherwise it’ll just be a fry grow-out. 😄
  3. Was just thinking of doing a ropefish tank, but a west african river with congo tetras. Didn't think of building around the fact they'd come out of the water to hunt or eat. Such a creative idea! I'll have to check out the YouTube channels other shared in here. 🙂
  4. Hey all, been on some FB groups, and don't care for Facebook so trying to get into an online fish forum that isn't Reddit. Currently have 3 tanks: - 55G Tang. tank with Multis + Cyprichromis Leptosoma - 20G tank with 1x naughty male angel fish and swordtails - 55G Panda cories, otos, rubberlip pleco, and 1x female angelfish Looking to setup a few more tank and here's where I need feedback/ideas: - West African River tank - Ropefish + Congo Tetras for a 55G tank (too big? small?) with powerhead for the river effect North American species fish are so hard to find... any help would be great on this one. 🙂 - North American species river tank - Dace's or shiners + a darter or bullheadchubs (55G or 75G with power head)
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