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  1. Okay thanks! I wasn't sure because I habe only seen longer ones in pictures in the past
  2. Hey everyone I have some small white worms in my tank. There are not many but when I first turn on the lights I see a few free swimming. I would think detritus worms but they seem much shorter than the detritus worms I have seen others post. I also know they are not planaria. They are short and thin. I can't get a still photo and it won't allow my video to be posted. Any advice would be great.
  3. Yeah exactly. I was going to see if he could get me in contact with the person who bred them to get some info. The tank is in a very low traffic room. But I do provide plenty of caves and plants and structure for them to escape and hide and get out of the light. I only keep my light on about 4 hours and its usually set pretty low.
  4. Thanks for getting back to me. So I had the female for about a month no issues at all. Then I got a male a week ago since I planned to breed them. They were both fine but the male hid a lot. So then I moved the pair to a separate setup with the same parameters and temperature. All the other fish are completely fine except the kribs they both started acting the way I described after the 2nd day. So I feed New life spectrum tropical fish pellets. I also feed Xtream aquatic foods krill flake and Omega One veggie mini pellets. I swap out regularly. So I bought them from a local pet store and he ended up having the same issue and symptoms described. So im not sure if its some type of parasite or something along those lines. They both looked completely healthy. Normal bellies and such.
  5. So I have a pelvicachromis Idenau that is breathing heavily and sitting on the bottom of the tank not eating. I had a pair the male died a few days after. The female is still alive but she is breathing super fast. The water parameters are normal. Water temp is 80F Ammonia is 0 PH is 7.2 Nitrite is 0 Nitrate is between 5-10 PPM There is pleanty of oxygen from my air stone. Any information or help would be great thanks!
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