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  1. @Colu Sounds good- thanks! Do you have any advice on how to prevent this infection? @Colu Would you also recommend Ich X for treating fungal infections?
  2. I got some more shots of the white growth. It’s a little hard to tell if it’s fuzzy or raised, but it looks a little flaky. I also noticed that there’s some white flaky substance partially covering the eye. Is this possibly a fungal infection?
  3. Hi everyone, I have a balloonfish molly that keeps having white patchy growths on its fins (see the circled area in the pictures). I thought this was a bacterial infection, so I treated with Kanaplex. However, the growth keeps coming back after treatment, as I already did 2 rounds of medication. Does anyone know what this disease is and how I should treat it? Tank specs: 20 gallon long, HOB Aqueon filter and sponge filter, heater, light set for 8 hours per day, started 4/2023 Tankmates: clownfish pleco, panda garra, 2 guppies, neon tetra, aquatic plants Feeding: feed 1 pinch of micro pellets, freeze-dried tubifex worms, or micro wafers every day, feed small pieces of algae wafer and pleco wafer every other day Cleaning habits: change around 20% of water (5 gallons) every week with gravel vacuuming I've also noticed that my tank consistently has dark blue hair algae. Molly: I got the fish about 3 months ago and quarantined first. It seems to still eat, but I often see it hanging near the bottom of the tank in the day (more active at night). Water Parameters: pH: 8.2 Nitrates: between 0-5 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Water Temperature: around 80 degrees Fahrenheit
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