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  1. Hello, I have just put together a rack with 3 tanks for Betta. I have 20 gallon longs with divided sections for each male and loads of aquatic plants. Each divided section has its own sponge filter. I bought a 10 lb. C02 canister with lines going to each tank with a 30 cm diffuser at the end of each one. If the sponge filters are running at a low intensity, will the C02 get around the length of my 20 gallon tanks, and disperse enough to reach the plants? Also, assuming the placement of the diffuser is at the bottom in each tank, where should the diffuser be positioned in the tank (middle, left or right side? Should I consider bunching a few sponge filters together and put the C02 at the opposite end of that? I don't have an HOB filter for these divided tanks, as I thought each Betta could have a filtered space. I would really appreciate any advise about how to best get the C02 distributed with my tank configuration. I am new to the hobby. Thanks in advance!
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