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  1. thank you so much for all the help. i hope you don’t mind if i keep you updated from time to time if something goes wrong again
  2. I finally tested my water and my ammonia and CO2 levels are way off 😞 doing a big water change right now so hopefully that helps
  3. I’ll find a test strip kit asap and I’ll update you. As for the aquarium salt, is that okay for the other fish too? Sorry if that sounds dumb to ask
  4. I don’t know the parameters, I didn’t even know how to check it until googling after seeing your comment 😞 the lump has been there for maybe two weeks, eating just fine and doesn’t seem at all fatigue or anything out of the norm. I haven’t treated with meds because i’m very ignorant with this kind of thing; i wouldn’t know where to start or what to use
  5. Hi there! I hope someone can help me identify the lump on my goldfish and even offer tips 🥺 I’m a teacher and a two years ago I was gifted two little goldfish for a class pet with 0 knowledge in caring for fish. I’ve someone managed to keep them alive this far and they’re two pretty big gals now lol. I’ve noticed recently that one of them has started developing this lump on her side; it started as just a spot that was a bit darker than the rest of her and before I knew it, it’s looking more like a blister or maybe even a tumor. I’m totally in over my head and I’m just open to any advice and tips I can get 😔 I forgot to mention, but today I actually noted a small, round bump starting to develop above this one. ☹️
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