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  1. Thank you, I deeply appreciate your help.
  2. Hello again. My fish was improving and the black splotches had notably decreased. He was still hiding and not eating much but I assumed that was stress due to moving tanks + yuck from the illness. Unfortunately he got much worse while I was at work. His swim bladder seems to be failing and the splotches are bad again. Maybe I just hadn't noticed because of how much he was behind plants, but... he can't seem to get off the sand any more. Though he is moving around the tank. I've attached the parameters of my main tank and quarantine tank again. (Main tank has higher hardness) Can a fish even recover from this? I'm completely lost. I'm sorry if I'm posting too much about this. I just really got my hopes up when he fish starting clearing up.
  3. Hello, if anyone is still reading this. The closest to the bottle is my quarantine tank. The furthest from the bottle is the tank he came from. (Neither has ammonia, but I can post the api test tubes if you would like). None of the tetra in my main tank have developed any splotches. But my tetra in the quarantine tank has been getting worse I think? My main tank IS cycled but I can't pinky promise the quarantine tank is. Melafix didn't help. Salt doesn't seem to be helping. Would anyone have any other suggestions on what to try? He seems to have new spots on his tail and he is still hardly eating if at all. (Sorry if fish pictures are blurry)
  4. Would you suggest using Aquarium Salt over Melafix?
  5. Interesting. I didn't know ammonia burn could look black. There isn't any ammonia in the tank when I test with strips or tubes. The nitrate might be a bit higher than I like, but I assume that's from easy green. Can nitrate cause similar burns? Maybe my doses are too frequent? The water is a bit acidic, a bit hard, with relatively low KH. I use crushed coral and ph up to try and keep that maintained. Temp Is about 75-78. My fish haven't hung out at the surface from what I can tell. No rapid breathing or glass surfing. This is technically one of my newer tetra. Maybe from... a month or so? But he basically is my newest fish addition.
  6. Hi there. I wanted to know if anyone recognizes this as a visible illness on Diamond Tetra. I quarantined them when I noticed a weird black splotch on their lip. I'm treating with melafix because I read that a similar issue was a bacterial infection? There isn't anything super wrong with the tank parameters. There might be a bit too much easy green since the quarantine tank was just a planted tank originally. But the tank that they came from is fully cycled, with regular water changes. It just doesn't seem to be improving? The Lil guy has eaten a tiny bit but generally doesn't seem motivated. (Think like 3 fish flakes in a few days). Again, if anyone recognizes this or has any ideas that might help (salt? Increase temp? Maybe try a parasite medication) I would be ecstatic to try. I just don't know how much doing everything at once can help. And melafix instructions say not to mix it with other treatments. (Though I am adding stress coat every day mostly because I'm worried about the mental health an isolated schooling fish) Thanks again.
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