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  1. All the Anubius ryzomes were very rotted and I removed them. All other plants doing well with the sword( I think its kleiner bar) growing so fast you can almost see each new leaf extending :-)} Mostly I think the store just didnt want to credit me for 2 week old plants by making it my fault. I was very low on nitrates though and increasing the level has improved the growth of my floaters so I do appreciate their feedback. My biggest concern is adding new Anubius back but I guess I'll try and watch it closely. Ill get the from Petco though as they are cheaper and the ones from petco in my first tank are going great. This tank is my second(or third if you count one in the process of a dry start.) thanks everybody for the feedback.
  2. Just use a fertilizer. I was using API leaf zone but now see how little that provides so have switched to AC Easy Green. Doesn't seem like many compared to pictures I see. This (poor quality) shot is before I added the pearl weed at the back.
  3. Hey all. new to the hobby but trying to learn. I started a new tank with 7 gallon tank with contrasoil and partial sand cap. Amazon swords, Microsword grass, pearl weed, frogbit, a Porthos hanging off the back and several Anubius nana. Over the next couple weeks added 4 endlers, a snail and 3 neo caradina. Did a few water changes to keep ammonia in line. 3 weeks in my Anubius all had bad rot. Some had been super glued on the roots others just stuffed in place but all had bad ryzome rot. I took it into the fish store where I bought it and the said it was from too low nitrate levels and that I should get the levels up and buy more . Indeed they are very low but I cant find anything on line that says this could be a factor. Thoughts?
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