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  1. Thank you! I have ordered a culture of vinegar eels. I am very excited to add this live food to my chili rasbora's diet. Much better than an automatic feeder. I will let you know how it goes.
  2. Thank you so much for your advice. I have never heard of vinegar eels before.
  3. Thanks, I will look into moina. I have never raised live food before.
  4. I have a group of Chili Rasboras in a five-gallon tank and I am currently feeding Easy Fry fish food. I am looking for an automatic feeder that I can use. I tried one rotating drum feeder but the food quickly clumped together. Is there a feeder that will work with Easy Fry food or is there another food I can try that will work better with automatic feeders? If automatic feeding is not a practical option, how many days can Chili Rasboras go between feedings? They are in a heavily planted tank.
  5. I have a group of Chili Rasboras in a five-gallon tank and I am currently feeding Easy Fry fish food. I am looking for an automatic feeder that I can use. I tried one rotating drum feeder but the food quickly clumped together. Is there a feeder that will work with Easy Fry food or is there another food I can try that will work better with automatic feeders? If automatic feeding is not a practical option, how many days can Chili Rasboras go between feedings? They are in a heavily planted tank.
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