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  1. I have had multiple fish rooms since I got in the hobby back in 2012, and I always just throw something together and run with it. This Time I am taking my time and doing the right way, I am going to use drilled tanks so I can do easy water changes. I am going to have a lot of questions as I dont know everything and I am always willing to learn First Question is regarding the lay out of the tanks, the tanks I'm getting are 20 longs and 20 highs and they are drilled in the upper corner. So with that being said, is there any pros/cons to having the bulkhead on the frt of the tanks? I think it would make things easier since the tanks will be up against the walls and I could attach the PVC right to the wood rack. This way if there was ever a leaking tank or bulkhead I have access to it? I guess it comes down to a visual aspect, is there anything wrong with looking at the drains? I am aiming for this to be a nice fish room that looks nice and not just tanks everywhere like I have in the past. Next question is water, My fishroom is in my Garage which is about 25ft from my house, in the past I had a 450 gallon water tank to store water but I got rid of it as I made this room smaller and it would have taken up too much space. I do plan on running a water line out there but it will be in the spring before I can do it, as I have to spend the money I do have on other things right now. So I was thinking of getting a couple 55 gallon drums the plastic ones and storing water in those. I was thinking of building a "stand" to put one over top of the other and have a pump in the bottom one and use that pump to feed the pvc that I run over top the the tanks, And then have another pump plumbed to the bottom barrel so when its low on water I just flip a switch and it will fill the bottom one up? My son is now an electrician so I can get all the electrical work done for free 🙂 So what do you fine people think of my ideas so far?
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