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  1. Just a follow up on this - it is algae. If I wait long enough before cleaning it turns green.
  2. Ok here is a straight on shot, cropped and enhanced. Maybe Hydra not fully developed yet?
  3. I feed live brine shrimp twice a week. Nothing else that small. Yes, when I clean it off it does come back exactly, smaller groups initially, then it continues to spread.
  4. Started getting a white growth on glass/acrylic of aquarium about 2 weeks ago. It isn't easy to see unless you look at from the side. It is stuck to the glass but is waving in the current. After cleaning the glass it does slowly come back within a few hours and eventually covers most of glass. The image is very zoomed in and looking down the side of the glass. Any thoughts on what it may be? Searching brings up Hydra, but images don't seem to match this. Tank Details: 3 month old 90G Tall, planted, community with Discus
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