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Posts posted by Van

  1. No I think the filter was only getting the ones that had already died.  Filter has sponge on now anyway. 

    I bought 6 juveniles 1cm.  All have died in 5 days from supplier. Started swimming upside down and in circles not eating.

  2. 😪  hi there Cory.

    Please can you help me.  I have a 45 litre tank. Running co2 external dolphin 500 canister  with purigen. With matrix.  Plenty plants  amozian shrimp soil substrate. Temp at 25 degrees thereabouts. Lily pipes glass.

    I have 6 powdwrblue famous.1x half moon gold betta, 2x amano, 2x shrimp,  3x ottos, 1x siamese algae eater, 1 nerute snail.

    So right tank is acclimated water is perfect.


    I bought 6x baby pygmy cories.  2 got sucked into the filter. So I put a makeshift sponge on.

    But now all have died but 2  in 2 days.

    I'm distraught..I loved these guys.


    What's wrong? What do I do if I get more? I want more but they r very expensive for me they cost r100 each.


    Should they go into a breeder bet until bigger?





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