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  1. The leaf is as big as my hand, how will they all fit??
  2. So do I put the whole thing in there??
  3. This is what I have and it turned the water super brown and murky. I kept tearing pieces off until the water cleared.
  4. I see a white spot on the back half of his body, I was assuming that was the beginning. Temp is 77-79, nitrate and nitrite were in the normal range of the test strip, my kit apparently doesn’t test for ammonia 😔. He eats well, breathes normal reacts to attention
  5. So we’ve got 2 betas in one tank with a divider. Sparkle and Handsome. I just noticed the other day that Sparkle has what I think is fin rot and ich. I immediately ran to the net looking for remedies and found this wonderful place. Ordered the trio and patiently waited for it to arrive. I got a tote for his hospital set up but nowhere did it say I had to have a filtration system, just oxygenated water to which I was going to diy. I don’t have another filtration system and I feel like we’re getting to the point of no return 😕 I don’t live anywhere close to brick and mortars to run and get one. I’d have to order it off the net. What do I do?? And fyi Handsome is fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ at least not that I can see. They looked identical when we bought them. Water levels are normal except kh and ph. I’ve got almond leaf in there to try and fix the kh but I have no idea how to fix the ph(it’s high).
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