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  1. What we have seen is that they will eat the wafers and don't mind them they will prefer the spirullina tabs and they go nuts for frozen bloodworms. When i have time i will give them some in a pipette and the will take them out of the pipette and eat them as a snack. I don't really think its got something to do with the fish are the food. Because we have been feeding the same foods since may 2020 also the fish are the same ( only the guppy's have past on and we got new ones ). X amount of time ago our bolbitus was not doing so well so they ( local fish store ) recommended us profito ( fertilizer )( half the amount as the label said because slow growing plants). After about a bottle of 3 we started to get black beard algae. We tried everything ( no more fertilizer, lights out for 1 week at the time and some anti po4 because this was high ) but noting helped for the bba. Than we tried bio exit green and this after 2 bottle's the bba was gonna. All these products are shrimp safe but i have a feeling in started to go wrong with the anti po4. The anti po4 is now about 2 months out of the filter and about 2 weeks ago we quit using the bio exit green so the water shouldn't have any things in it anymore after some time. Or maybe it just is food related ? Because we turned the lights of for 1 week at the time to try and kill the bba, put the anti po4 in to kill the bba and at the end put the bio exit green in again to kill the bba no other algae could survive. And no algae no food ? Only if they are fast enough to steel it from a fish? We used to have just not a plague of snails and at the moment i can almost count them so little do we have and i think last time i cleaned our windows would have been February and they still look like they have just been done. I'm just thinking loudly here and maybe something comes to the front or someone say yup thats probably it.
  2. The fish are all smaller fish and not really hunters ( when there is food in the tank the shrimp sometimes just sit on top of the corydora's 🤷‍♀️ ). However the fish do eat some but the thing is there have been much more fish in the tank and we had more than 100 baby's every 14 days. At this moment we are understocked by 10 are 15 guppy sized fish. so i don't think this is the big problem. Every morning the we feed the flakes ( top left ). Every evening they get frozen foods every day we switch between bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. 3 times a week the get half a tablet of spirulina are half a tablet of the o-nip. And once a week half of an algae wafer. ( monday the wafer, wensday friday and sunday the tablets ) ( the wafer and the tablet is at the same time as the frozen food ) The khuli's will get them but there is only 5 of them and the hillstreams won't touch them because how there mouth is they can't get them. We have seen the cory's eat them more than once and bigger once. The only thing is when the shrimp is 100% ok its to fast for the cory's so are they eating them because they are sick, are already dying of age are some other reason we don't know. I'm not sure what is going on but i'm sure something is up. We used to be unable to count the pregnant once so many and now we can't even see one. We don't really see death once but i don't know if the fish just eat them are .... I am not a big fan of this. At the moment they go in the filter and survive there and are safe there. An other change is when we cleaned the filter the white filter pad used to be brown and there was some brown stuff in the bottom of the filter. but for some reason the filters are starting to have less muck in them. however i can report this. When we where at the top of the shrimp breeding the cory's where jealous and started breeding to. Yesterday evening for the first time in about 1,5 years the cory's where going for it again. No eggs yet but they where going nuts again. 1 more question. Is it possible that its just because its all from the same gene pool and we need to get some more? We started with about 40. In 2 years we sold about 800 and we had about 100 in the tank. So thats more than 1000 baby shrimp all from the same 40 parents that maybe also came from the same x amount of parents ?
  3. Hello everyone, We have a 330l tank ( about 88 gallons ) with guppy's, corydoras, rasboras, cardinal tetras, khuli loachs and some hillstream loaches. All of these smaller fish are in the same tank as our blue dream neocaridina. The tank is drilled and has 2 eheim external filters on it and a external heating. The water parameter are - Ph: 7.5 - No²: 0 -No³: between 5 to 10 max -NH3/NH4: 0 - GH and KH: 10 -Po4: 1,5 At a temperature of 23c are 73,4F Every 14 days we clean out 1 of the filters because the flow is getting less. And every week we do a water change of about 10%. The tank has been running like this since May 2020. Because the tank is drilled and the suction side of the filters is close to the bottom of the tank with reasonable openings the smaller shrimp get sucked up by the filters. But because of the design of these ehiem's the baby and smaller shrimp get trapped in the filters but can't get to the propellers and just stay alive in the filters and no fish can touch them. Every 14 days we where catching baby shrimp. At the top we had 120 baby and small shrimp in 1 cleaning. About half a year ago we started notice that we where catching less and less shrimp ( last weekend we had only 3 ). About 1,5 years ago our plants needed some fertilizer and we gave them profito and it helped for the plants. After a while we started to get some bba. We have bin trying differed things and nothing helped for the bba until we tried some bio exit green about 3 months ago and the bba is gone. But our shrimp colony is slowly dying of but i don't know why. The tank is aged, the water parameters and temperature are stable the food has stayed the same, the tank is not overcrowded at all i don't know what we are doing wrong are whats going on This is an older photo ( about 8 months old ) the breeder box is for the baby and younger shrimp. Anyone any idea on why our shrimp are not breeding anymore and slowly dying off?
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