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  1. danio

    Possible tumour?

    Thank you so much that's really kind and helpful, I have a 30 litre tank, I'll post a picture of the aquarium salts I found, I don't know if these are the best to get?
  2. Hi, I'm currently in the UK and I found this forum, in which someone had recently posted a picture if their danio with a suspicious red lump. I'm looking for some help and advice please if possible, so I joined the group My little Danny fish, has had a lump, for a while which disappeared and then suddenly got bigger and redder and more swollen as the weeks have gone on. She is a much loved family pet. I'm really worried. She is looked after, has a clean tank and we check pH levels and nitrate and so on and all seems fine. (My apologies I don't have the current readings as we have run out of testing strips) I suspect it could be a tumour 😔 I'm wondering what I can do for her. Shes swimming fine, eating fine, but I'm worried before long she won't be able to swim and this cyst/tumor could pop? I have noticed she was eating more, the more she eats the bigger it gets, or this could be a coincidence. Is there anything I can buy or do to help 😌 Thank you so much
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