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  1. So, I just moved and my new place doesn’t have a faucet that I can use with my python (as in, the aerators don’t come off). Is there a way I can modify the Python so I could still use it?
  2. @Colu Thank you! When I was looking at him I was thinking it didn’t look like any disease I’ve heard of but I couldn’t think of anything that would look like that.
  3. I got a new Congo Tetra yesterday and I noticed something weird about his mouth. It almost looks like he has two mouths? Is this a disease or an injury? My water parameters are as follows: pH: 7.0 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm GH: 8 degrees I can’t find my KH test bottle so I’m not sure how accurate this is but the API test strip I do have says 40ppm for KH. For all the other tests, I used the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. Is salt the best course of action for this?
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