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  1. Thank you so much for getting back to me, I put a cover over the heater and am keeping an eye on her for now. Both spots look the same and she is acting like herself. I'll update yall in a few days.
  2. Pickle is a 12 inch Fahaka puffer, she is in a 75 gallon tank at the moment. We just moved to a new house about 3 weeks ago so her tank might not be cycled yet but the test doesn't look too far off. Pickle's only tank mate is a large Plecostomus (sail fin?). Two or three days ago we noticed a white circular mark on her side. We have dosed her tank two times with Melafix, but she gets VERY mad when we do. We were thinking the her "friend" bit her. I do know the water here at this house has a ph of about 8 out of the tap and the old house was less then 6. Her tank is now at 7.2 almost to the 7 we keep her at at the old house. Please let me know what yall think this could be. The two of them have been housed together for more then a year. Thanks for your help
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