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  1. So the other day I noticed these spots on the side of my tank. Im not sure if they are just like baby snails or if they are baby planaria.
  2. Lilia


    Update: the fish are doing so much better!
  3. Lilia


    Thank you so much for all the help!!
  4. Lilia


    Thank you so much! I already did a water change in the aquarium I’m gonna go get some aquarium salt and dose it! Thank you! Not sure if this will do anything but I also dosed API stress coat. Will that react with the salt badly or is it safe?
  5. Lilia


    Thank you so much!! How much salt should I use? I don’t have designated aquarium salt but I have some “Fine Grind Mediterranean Style Sea Salt” from McCormick. Would that work? Or should I go get some? I am going out of town again tomorrow for one day is there anything I should do to compensate for being out of town?
  6. Lilia


    Hi! So I’m a new (ish) fish keeper and I was out of town for 4 days. I had an auto feeder going for the time I was gone. My platy gave birth to fry and 6 of them made it (I didn’t notice them for awhile so a lot got eaten). I found them on May 30th 2023. So I put them into a tank I had just finished cycling (I had planned it for something else but I put the fry into the tank). Fast forward to today July 6th. When I got back from my trip the fish looked like they were missing fins, they were skinny, and just not doing well. It’s a sponge filter so I don’t think the flow is too harsh. Anything will help! The tank has Java moss and Salvinia in it currently. I’m working on getting more plants. 6 platys are in the tank. didn’t say this earlier but they are missing their fins. One is completely missing its back fin. Idk if that is super clean in the photos. (edited) tank size: 10 gallon ph: 6.8 amonia: 0 ppm nitrate: 10 ppm nitrite: 1 ppm chlorine: 0 alkalinity: 120 The water temp is 76 degrees Fahrenheit
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