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dragon enjoyer

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  1. Alright I am gonna go to the store and get it.
  2. Hi Sorry my mistake it was a typo Ammonia is 0ppm. Extremely sorry for the typo.
  3. Hi Thank you for showing concerns Ph is 7.6 Did cycled 1 month prior Ammonia 15ppm Nitrites 0 Nitrates 15 He has lost appetite for the past3 days (tried everything:freeze dried shrimp,baby brineshrimp,strawberry,cucumber,live food,pellets(hikari betta bio gold)) Currently using cattappa leaves. I am a first time fishkeeper so please give some tips.
  4. My betta is not eating from the past 2days has a fin rot for about 1month lives in a 10 ltr tank i feed him hikari betta bio gold i have tried almost everything (almond leaves,saltbaths,api bettafix,some medicines from the pet shop) the fins are still not healing as well as he has lost appetite ph is between 7.8-8 can someone help me? Any sort of help is appreciated. I have no idea what to do now and the loss for appetite is another problem😭😭.sorry for the bad image quality.
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