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  1. Hi all, I'm a new Oscar owner and just registered on this forum. Recently I noticed there're some white spots on his fins and he sometimes flashes his head against the gravel substrate. I was looking up online and believe that he's got ick, so I added salt according to this article: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish Quick question is: do you calculate the salt based on the labeled capacity of your tank or the exact volume of water? Mine is a 55 Gallon, but if I do measure the length and width of the tank and minus the glass thickness, and measure the water height, the volume of water is actually much smaller. Even filled to the lower edge of the top black rim, I calculated that will be just 46 gallons. And if it's the exact volume, you still need to exclude the volume of the substrate, any decorations, etc... So just wanted to see how you guys do it. Your sharing is much appreciated!
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