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  1. Thank you so much. I purchased an actual flashlight instead of trying to use my phone and I have determined that my pair of plecos did breed and the baby reverted back to their normal coloration. Thank you for the information about genetics!!!
  2. At first I thought was successful with breeding plecos for the first time but I’ve been checking the caves every couple days and the male has never laid on any egg to my knowledge. The male is a blue eye Lucy and the two females are albino. I don’t know how the genetics work so I was surprised to see it dark.
  3. Awesome thank you! There are 3 bristlenose plecos, 1 clown pleco, 7 aeneus corydora, 3 leopard danios, and an African dwarf frog.
  4. Was walking by my tank today and I noticed something strange on the front of the glass. I believe it’s a baby otocinclus catfish but the stage thing is I haven’t owned an oto in over 2 years. It’s a new setup that has only been up for a months and the nothing new has been added since the original inhabitants and plants that I already had. If anyone can confirm an ID that would be great. It also seems to be skinny so is there any foods that I can prepare to increase its chances?
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