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  1. Firstly, kudos to Irene's Aquarium Coop CO2 regulator how-to video. It took me from "CO2 looks hard" to "oh hey, I can do that" in about 6 minutes. However, now I'm onto the question of whether I should. 1. I have a 5.5gal that I just started this week with tissue cultures, primarily low-medium light plants. I'm running a Coop 16" light on it. My goal is to turn it into a cherry shrimp/chili rasbora tank. I'm considering doing CO2 for a period of time, just to get things going, before stopping the CO2 injection. I just don't know what going off of CO2 is going to look like. I think Cory is also running CO2 on his new 65gal display tank and planning to eventually stop, but I don't think he's at the stopping point yet. I just don't know what to expect if I did stop CO2 and whether it's worth it . 2. I'm planning a 12gal for later this year and I'm considering doing a higher tech tank there. Is there such a thing as running a "low dose" CO2. Like running the lights at 50%, is there such a thing as running CO2 at a lower percentage, so that plants get some benefits without me having to trim all the time? I tried to do some research online but I didn't have a lot of luck, so I thought I'd check here to see if anyone with CO2 experience might be able to answer these questions. Thanks in advance!!
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