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Posts posted by kyle223

  1. So about 6 days ago I noticed white spots on my 6 rummy nose tetras. The next day I starting treating with ich x and have been following directions and been doing 30% water changes every day and re dosing the entire tank. Its been 5 days since I started treating the tank and my tetras still have white spots. The weird thing is that I also have 6 pearl danios, 2 GBRs, about 12 guppies, and 5 otos. Since the ich first appeared on the tetras, I have not seen a single white spot on any of my other fish, its only on the tetras, and they're still there.

    My second issue (which is why I'm curious about using ich x with general cure) is that about 4 days ago, both my GBRs have constantly been hiding and breathing very rapidly. I hardly ever can find them because I have a very densely planted tank and when I can find them they look pale and are often resting on the bottom, or pressing against an object in the tank. They have not been eating. I suspect gill flukes but I have not been able to pinpoint anything yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had experience or knowledge on using ich x with general cure. I'm hesitant to do so because ich x advises against doing so. 

    (Water parameters are good. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and nitrates are rarely over 20ppm. Nitrates lately are around 5-10 ppm from doing water changes every day. pH is 6.5-7)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. My GBRs are running out of time.

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