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Posts posted by hawgs911

  1. Amoninia spike when you upset the substrate maybe?  Also whats up with the "blue water?"

    I would do a 90% WC just in case and go a little heavier on the dechloarnator.  Try to find out what the water company is putting in your water.

  2. Whenever someone has BBA I always ask if they are dosing Iron. 😄  I say cut the Iron back to once a week but keep the other ferts steady and see how that looks after 3ish weeks.  As someone else said raising CO2 might actually help.

    You can also spot treat with Peroxide, Excel, Easy Carbon, etc and get some Algae eaters will take care of the rest.

    Edit: Do you have lots of red plants?  You can get plants red without dosing extra Iron.  EG already has some Iron so you may not have enough plants actully using all that Iron.  

  3. Here is my 20L that has been set up about 1 month.

    • Aqueon tank
    • Aqueon glass lid
    • "China Special" 100W Heater
    • 2X Aquaneat "up to 20 gallon" sponge filters
    • 2X USB air pumps
    • Finnex Planted Plus 24/7 30inch 
    • Fluval Stratem Substrate

    I dont see anything wrong with your setup.  Substrate is a personal choice.  I like Eco-Complete personally and find dark substartes to show less dirt.  You could add powerhead to your setup if you feel you need more flow left to right but I used the smallest one I had and it was WAY too much flow 😂



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  4. Those Aqueons with the impeller in the tank would work well for this.  I have never had one not restart.  You might kill it faster with more off/on cycles but who knows.  Test it and let us know how it works out.

  5. Hello All.  First post.

    I just finished establishing a 20 long planted tank that currently houses 6 long-finned Serpaes.

    I would like to add a "show piece" fish and I usually go for Bettas but "the internet" says that these fish are fin nippers and shouldn't be housed with fish with long fins like Betts/Gouramis?

    I have not seen any aggression out of these guys and they even school with the neons.  Should I try a Betta or any other recommendations for that would work better?

    Many Thanks!


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