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Posts posted by thegoldiehook

  1. This is how I bred my Blue Egg Pheonix. 

    I kept them in the same tank they are usually in. I increase the light to 12hr. Increased the temp to 76 degrees and feed multiple times a day. I keep an eye on the female because she will start to get plump. When spawning starts I move them into a prepared tote, hand spawn them then return them to their tank. You could probably let wakin spawn naturally if you want. Just make sure you have a way to separate the parents from the eggs. 

  2. I need a little help. I've had my fancy goldfish for a few years now. And it seems like they are all slowly getting sick. I've lost 2 this year. It seemed to start after I gave some blood worms to them 2 years ago.  One ranchu and one pearlscale started slightly tilting to the side and slightly bending their body. I did some research and figured it was swim bladder issues because nothing seemed was wrong. I did some deworming treatments with prazipro just in case. 

    Since the too slowly became less active and still tilted and bent their bodies over the months. I try salt water, different deworming regimes, and general cure treatment over the month and still no change.  

    Over this past year they started a losing more boyncy and would eat one or two pellets and become uninterested in food. All while still bending there tilting and bending. 

    I decided about 3 months ago to deworm more aggressively with minimal improvements despite multiple treatments. One did not survive long after treatments and I euthanized the other yesterday. 

    I'm worried because my other goldfish are showing the same symptoms. Tilting and bending, and interested in only a few bites of food. They are still able to swim normally luckily. 

    Water parameters

    Ammonia 0

    Ph 8.4

    Gh very hard 300ppm

    Kh 180 ppm

    Nitrite 0

    Nitrate 0

    Temp 72

    125g tank, 3 adult anchu, 2 adult pearlscales, 2 baby Mutt goldfish (2inches). The mutt goldfish seem to the only ones unbothered by anything. 

    I recently delt with Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates spikes but got it under control. Could this be residual affects of that? 


  3. If she is eating constantly its good she is pooping constantly. I'm sure the algae is supplying her with lots of fiber so maybe adding more protein to her diet will help her put on weight. Goldfish do not have stomachs to store food like we do. It's like one long tube. 

    Keep an eye out for constipation. If you see she is still grazing and eating and not pooping, that's when you may have an issue. But I wouldn't be too concern because of all the fiber she is getting. 

  4. I have done heavy feeds to groom. I feed cichlid exel and Hikari goldfish food and alternate between the two 4 times a day. I only do that until I get the growth I want then I back them off to two times a day. 


    Also, don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. I too have unintentionally killed all my ranchu (8 total) within a week. It's definitely a set back but I think we become better from it. 

  5. I finally was able to get my fancy goldfish to spawn. They hatch on 6/21. I gave them some egg yolks today along with a little water change. Only a couple are currently free swimming? When will the others start swimming? I've read that it's usually a day. I'm worried they will starve. Should I start baby brine shrimp? Or rapashy? When should I start to worry?

    First time breeder, in case it wasn't obvious lol


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