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  1. My filter does have a sponge but no poly fill, I cleaned the filter about a week ago. My lights are on quite a bit at 11 hours a day, so that could be it now that I think about it. I actually did have more plants in it, I just removed a mother sword plant. Thanks No, I've never put any CO2 in it. Thanks.
  2. I do have about .25 ppm ammonia in the tank right now, but no nitrites and, my nitrates are at 5.0 ppm. No I haven't done any of that, I've actually taken fish out of the tank recently. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I've had this aquarium setup for almost a year now, I just got a two month outbreak of green hair algae under control and now I have this. I think its staghorn algae but I'm not sure. On top of the algae the tank is just dirty and murky looking, water changes don't help at all as I did an 80% water change just a couple days ago. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  4. Hello, I got some Lobelia Cardinalis a while back and its slowly been thinning out. The right most plant has been thinning out a lot faster for some reason. I was just wondering if anyone knew why or what could be causing it. I regularly dose the tank with Seachem Flourish and put homemade root tabs in the tank, so they should have plenty of nutrients. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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