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Posts posted by snaillover

  1. My friend who got me into tank/snail life came over to see how my tank is doing. I talked to her about them mating and all that. Not even an hour later, I just caught 2 mounted on my biggest snail just going at it. I video called my friend to show her and she said they are definitely mating. Now if the clutch will be viable is the question. 

  2. As far as being able to tell the genders, I have only seen one way to tell and thats to look behind their heads in the shell to see if there is a hole on my left of the snail. I have not had any luck from that suggestion being that they need to be angled perfectly. There's got to be a better way. 

  3. I have a lid with a small opening to drop food in and an opening where the filter is. The water is down about 2.5 inches from the rim of the tank. I clean the tank about once every 5 weeks or so and I clean the filter once a week. I feed the snails a balanced diet of calcium chips, snail cookies from crayfish empire,algae wafers and snail mix #4 from aquatic arts. I just got a gallon of spirullina this week so I'm going to try to make snello with that, green beans, the powder calcium and tropical flakes. I also intend to blanch cucumber and zucchini. I put in about 5 mL of liquid calcium in every week and a half or so. I have plants in the tank to filter out some of the nitrates and such. I have the heater set to about 76. I have seen them mount each other a couple times this week but it's never longer than a couple of minutes. Just this morning, a blue was mounted on an ivory snail. Does anyone have any tips on another way to help better take care of them so they are in good health to even lay clutches? BTW, I took the 2 out of the breeder box. I started to have anxiety about them not having enough room. They weren't in the box a half of a day. Lol 

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  4. I want to get some baby mystery snails. I have 2 of the yellow, 2 blue, 2 jade and 2 ivory. They are in a 10 gallon tank. I haven't had any clutches. I don't know if any of them are male or female. I haven't been able to tell. I just put an ivory and a yellow in a breeder box together but I don't know the right way to mate them. My tank is on about 76 Fahrenheit. 

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