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Posts posted by Vítor

  1. Hello guys i went on a website and i really was shocked about the information and comparatives on different types of media, the guys from green aqua says that Seachem matrix is the best bio media, prime time aquatics aswell pondguru talks very well about the biohome, and in the end an experiment proved that the 30 ppi foam houses more beneficial bacteria than the all the ones metioned before.

    I don't want to believe in it 😂

    Does any one tried only having foams on the filter and had good results? 

    Have anyone read or saw vídeos saying talking about how more efficient foams are in housing beneficial bacteria?

    Here is the link



  2. Hello guys , which filter do you think is the best of this 2, im really thinking about the JBL e702 it has more space for media the water route makes sense but in terms of reliability for what i heard is good aswell, in the other hand the fluval is cheaper not much but it is, and i saw a lot of reviews about the fluval so many people have it.

  3. On 4/17/2024 at 2:15 AM, macdaddy36 said:

    With pretty much any canister filter you will need a pre-filter sponge. Also with just tiny chili rasbora and shrimp be aware that anything more than a simple sponge filter is way overkill. 
    I like the Fluval 107, although with its large intake it probably won’t be much of an aesthetic improvement over you HOB. The best thing to do would be to try to hide it with hardscape and plants.

    I don’t have any comments about other canisters since the 107 is the only one I have.

    Also, how deep is you 17 gallon cube? In my 20 gallon high (16 inch deep) the 107 intake basically touches the substrate. If I had to guess its probably 13 inches long. I am not sure if the 207 intake is even longer.

    I watched a video on these one time. Aren’t they like crazy expensive?

    I would change them for clear lily pipes, my aquarium is 40x40x40cm, do you feel that the fluval does a good job polishing the water and the baskets are enough for the media?

    On 4/17/2024 at 2:08 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Look up the UNS mini canisters. Steel ones are great in terms of aesthetics, but check into both the series they have.

    I wish I had gone that route with mine as opposed to fluval. Basically, you get a lot more for what you pay for, less design issues.

    I will have a look

  4. On 4/16/2024 at 10:27 PM, madmark285 said:

    Tetra will well known in the USA for food, air pumps and Whisper HOB filters. I can't find the Tetra 700 ex for sale in the USA, looks like a nice filter. Tetra been in business for a long time.

    Oh didnt know thats why there is no, reviews about it 😂 

  5. On 4/16/2024 at 5:35 PM, madmark285 said:

    OASE Filtosmart Thermo 200 should be 160€, that should be plenty big enough for a 17 gallon tank. But I agree, Oase seem a bit overpriced. 

    Anyways i've trying to watch some reviews and opinion about this 3:

    Fluval 207
    Jbl e702 greenline
    Tetra 700 ex

    JBL there are a couple vídeos but they are in German and there is none long term review 

    Tetra doesnt seem that famous... But i do prefer the way that JBL and Tetra work , to be honest Tetra seems to have the mos efficient way of filtration in my opinion, i just wanna know if those filters are reliable and if its easy to find spare parts.

  6. On 4/16/2024 at 3:32 PM, MattyM said:

    For me, I much much prefer the AquaClears to the Tidals. On my 20g I used an Aquaclear 55 and painted the back of the tank black - all you see is one tube going into the tank. The heater can be easily hidden if you mount it horizontally just above the substrate and put plants/decor in front of it, and you won't have to worry about turning it off during water changes. I also had cory cats to help kick junk up into the water column where the filter could catch it, and a small pre-filter sponge that I got off Amazon. To tame the flow back into the tank, I added a baffle - which can be as easy as cutting a plastic water bottle or ordering a 3d printed one off Etsy - little googling will get you there. 

    That said, I have 2 canisters on my big tank, and one is a Biomaster Thermal. It is amazing, yes it costs more but you are getting a quality heater, and with the removable pre-filter I barely have to open the entire thing up for cleaning. It also has flow control should you need it, and it comes with a spray bar, which none of the fluvals do. 

    Hope that helps!

    When i went for tidal i was in hurry but i do like the basket its way easy to clean plus the self priming system is awesome. But going for a canister filter with clear lily pipes will give a cleaner look and a better filtration i think

    On 4/16/2024 at 3:35 PM, madmark285 said:

    In the US, the OASE Indoor Aquatics Filtosmart Thermo 100 is $110, the Fluval 107 is $124. No clue concerning a  performance comparison. 

    Edit: With a canister filter, you have a long intake tube in the tank. Would putting a heater next to the tube be a big deal? 

    The Oase that i would go for is the thermo 250 which is 230€ here in Portugal and the fluval in amazon you can get it between 60€/80€ the fluval 207 right know is 110€ so its a big difference.

  7. Hello guys i have 17 gallon Cube, for filtration i use a tidal 55 but i would like a cleaner look in the tank and something more safe for my Chilli Rasborras and shrimps. So i was wondering about a canister filter. Which canister filters do you recomend? I've been looking at the fluval 107 or 207 or the eheim e702, i would to have a inline heating aswell but as far as i know the only canisters with inline heater are the oase which are much more expensive than the ones i mentioned before.

  8. On 4/15/2024 at 12:26 AM, Pepere said:



    On 4/15/2024 at 12:26 AM, Pepere said:

    I would agree on needing more flow if keeping high flow loving fish, though that can also be cheaply dealt with using an extra wavemaker or such.

    my enjoyment is more geared to the plant side of the tank and the 207 has plenty of flow for a 29 gallon to ensure good nutrient and CO2 dispersal as well as waste organics…


    If Fluval included the spray bar, you would still be paying for it through a higher purchase price….  As it is I paid for  ceramic media, a pickup and a nozzle I am not using…


    Fluval sells rubber connectors that fit over the ribbed hoses. I use this to attach to the glass lily pipe and use stainless steel hose clamps to further secure it instead of a simple friction fit.

    In my case i don't really want a high flow as the Celestial Pearl Danios and the Chili Rasborras don't like it, i just wanna have a good filtration, i will be honest with you the Tidal 55 has been great i use filter floss and change it every week not much work the water has been looking great except when i went on holidays so nothing to say about the filter. But i feel that a canister filter would do a better job , would have a cleaner look, less flow , and with the prefilter sponge it would be safer for the fish and shrimp, because the Chilli Rasborras can definitly go into the skimmer

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/14/2024 at 5:51 AM, Galabar said:

    A canister filter with inline heating and CO2 would really clean up the look of that tank.  I'm not saying that it doesn't look good now (it does).  However, I'm imagining it without the heater or CO2 diffuser. :)


    I really thought about that, but i think the only canister filter with inline heating is the oase , correct me if im wrong. But i would be really nice to only have the lily pipes in the tank.

    On 4/14/2024 at 6:26 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    As far as the x07 series....
    107 = 10g
    207 = 20g
    307 = 30g
    407 = 40g
    (definitely ignore what the box says because I can tell you it's dramatically under powered.)

    I have done extensive testing on a ton of filters including the ones that you're mentioning.  I would recommend something different for shrimp.  The intake strainer on the x07 series isn't great.  It's bulky, it's sharp, and there isn't a prefilter that works well with it.  Especially with neo shrimp.  It's perfectly fine for fish, but for shrimp, I don't recommend it.

    The tidal is not great at all unless you dedicate the time to modify it for fish/shrimp.  You need to use silicone or other materials to close off a variety of sections, all of this is out of warranty and is detailed in my tidal thread.

    The pump on the tidal is great, but the filter itself isn't something I would encourage for fish or shrimp.  It killed a tank for me one by one and I spent years "fixing it" and researching methods to use the items I had on hand to alleviate the situation of sleeping fish being sucked in.

    Please feel free to ask any questions.  I do have filters I like, but setup is extremely critical.

    In my shrimp tank I only run hikari sponge filters.  I use the plastics/internals from an ACO filter just so I don't have to modify it to run an air stone.  Either setup is perfectly fine, the key is that the finer sponge works well with neo shrimp.

    Every time i clean the filter there are some shrimp inside but its rare to find some dead, which canister filter do you recomend other than fluval?

    On 4/14/2024 at 8:28 PM, macdaddy36 said:

    I have the fluval 107 on my 20 high. It’s really quiet and overall really sleek to have it in the stand. Its just kind of a pain to clean and I always manage to drip some water in stand.

    Do you regret buying the filter? Would you go for other one? The filtration over all is good?

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/13/2024 at 6:08 PM, Pepere said:

    I think a 107 is fine under 29 gallons.  

    I clean the filter on the first Saturday of every month, and when I do I clean and relube the o rings.  And I have spare Orings and impeller on hand as well as a spare aquastop valve.  I intend to replace the O ring every 6 months as the manual recommends.  I have not had any leaks.

    I keep the foam for prefiltering and use quickclear polishing pads.  You could use filter floss instead of the quick clear.  I use nylon scrubbies in the other media trays instead of ceramic media..

    I will have a look at both fluval filters , and i will probably go for one of them , i just don't wanted to buy a filter that would give me problems but if the filtration is better and it takes less maintenance that sounds perfect. The difference between the 107 and the 207 is 7€ do you think it would be too much flow for the tank?

  11. On 4/13/2024 at 5:46 PM, Pepere said:

    A 107 would be fine then.


    Switching from the Tidal to the Fluval meant only having to service it once a month as opposed to every few days with the Tidal…

    Do you think it would be better for the this tank the 107 or 207? Besides the maintenance, the filtration is good? Did you have any leaks or problems with the 207? Can you use filter wool on the fluval like change the sponges for the filter wool?

  12. On 4/13/2024 at 5:38 PM, Pepere said:

    I had a Seachem Tidal 35 which I regard as a ridiculous waste of money…


    while it might have flow, it had precious little filtration as the vast majority of the flow bypassed the filter media through big holes in the basket…

    I replaced it with a Fluval 207 with a spray bar below the waters surface  in my 29 gallon tank.  It gives great circular flow and keeps injected CO2 in suspension and has dramatically increased biomedia capacity.


    I also have a 107 on my 20 high..

    On a 40 gallon I would likely be looking at least at a 207 myself.

    I wrote it wrong i have 40 cm cube so it will be about 64 liters i think in gallons its about 17. 

  13. Hi guys, i have 40 cm cube my filter is a Seachem Tidal 55, now i only have red cherry shrimps, but im thinking about adding Celestial Pearl Danios and some Chilli Rasborras, and i've been thinking about getting the fluval 107. Is it worthit the change or not? The LPH of the fluval 107 is lower than the tidal 55 but i think the fluval will be a lot more efficient than the tidal 55. What do you guys think? Anyone that have a fluval 107 have anything good or bad to say about the filter?


  14. Hey guys , i wanna add Co2 to my aquarium i already have a 2kg extinguisher that i will use. I've been looking to some Regulator and this is the ones i been think about.




    Does anyone have one of this or tried before?  And if you know any regulator about 40€/50€ that you are happy with tell me please.

    I've been looking to some inside difusers, there is this one on amazon


    Is there any criteria to know which difuser is better than other or instead of the twinstar diffuser i can go for a no brand one?

    thank you guys!

  15. On 8/14/2023 at 3:53 PM, Zac said:

    I’m starting to get green spot algae as well on my anubias. I noticed it starting when I turned my light on an extra 10% brightness for an extra hour daily. My lights only on 7hrs per day tho which is odd. I’m going to get some Amano shrimp and nerite snails and hope that helps. Nerite snails are supposedly able to get rid of green spot algae pretty quickly. I’d suggest investing in some as well. Remember it takes about 2 weeks to see any changes once tank conditions are adjusted. Rather than dimming it, maybe try an hour less per day. You can also dose easy carbon or excel if you don’t have any plants like valisneria

    If you really want to you can try the blackout method for a couple days…but there’s a risk in stressing your plants

    Mine is already six hours per day in the begginning i had 8 hours per day full power , then i changed to six hours a day, then i dimmed my light about 30% and now dimmed another 15% i think i will wait and see if it gets better if not i will get some nerite snails or use some Excel so my plants don't die and keep adjusting or even buy a phosphate test so i know if it's either the phosphates or the light

  16. Hey guys a couple days i started noticing that my bucephalandras and my anubias got some o gsa, then i read about them and all i found is that appear either with low phosphates or high phosphates,and high light also promote this Algae, by the time it started showing up i wasnt dosing any fertilizer so i thought it would be the lack of phosphates in the water, i also dimmed twice my light (twinstar 45B). But it doesn't look any better actualy i think it kept growing. I dimmed my light again today ,did a water change and i dosed the Tropica specialised. You guys now what im doing wrong ? Or what other things that can promote gsa?



  17. Hey guys some of my shrimp been dying but all my parameters look good today i looked at one of the shrimps in my aquarium and it looked like he had a death ring but rly small, can anyone tell me if this is a death ring or im just overthinking 



  18. On 8/2/2023 at 7:03 PM, Lennie said:

    I use tropica premium in all my tanks because my tap already reads 20 nitrates. If your tank is stocked enough maybe you should go for premium version too.

    they usually advertise specialised one for high tech setups or if there is too many plants but very low stocking if I am not mistaken

    I only have 10 shrimps and one ancistrus so i think is low stocked but maybe i will get the premium

  19. On 8/2/2023 at 3:22 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    You should not have any issues with the 1-2-G series. The main thing when you buy a tissue culture plant is just starting with what looks like a healthy plant.  If you're buying "cups" just be careful that you're not paying the price for a tissue culture plant and it's not actually a tissue culture plant.

    The tank looks great. Be sure to check out the tidal mod thread stuff in my signature. 🙂

    Thanks for the advice! This two was from Tropica 1-2 G , gonna check it out!

    On 8/2/2023 at 5:00 PM, JChristophersAdventures said:

    @Vítor Looking good! As long as you know you have some nitrates going, they should grow out quite nicely! Thanks.

    I have the tropica specialised, but didnt dosage anything yet , i still testing my water and it always had nitrates till now, so probably on the next water change i will dosage im a bit afraid of dosing and then have an Algae bloom or more nitrates than i need

    • Like 1
  20. On 8/1/2023 at 12:00 AM, Gwallace said:

    Should work just fine.  With tissue cultures your (usually) starting with a very small plant so be prepared to wait.  Patience is key.

    This is how it's looking now , its been a week since i planted the Montecarlo and the Rotala h'ra, some of the plants came out but i think it was my ancistrus or the flow from my filter, hope they can still survive...


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  21. Hey guys my local store has Montecarlo and rotala h'ra from 1 2 grow from tropica ,i was thinking about getting the imersed ones that come on a Bucket but they didnt get them, do you guys think that 1 2 grow will be harder to grow/adapt to my aquarium? I have a twinstar 45B and tropica aquasoil,i don't have Co2...



    • Like 1
  22. On 7/20/2023 at 7:35 PM, Beckybettas said:

    I have plakats and an alien in 10G and 15G tanks. They are all over their tanks and have no trouble swimming. I admit long finned bettas are gorgeous but I think breeders have gone too far. I dont want a fish that is unable to swim freely or has to resort to self mutilation in order to move off the bottom of its tank. Plakats are every bit as colorful and have a variety of fin types also.

    I had a giant plakat in 32G with amanos but I never saw them so I thought he had an expensive snack. After he passed I suddenly started seeing all 7  shrimp every where.. The betta seemed pretty chill but apparently he intimidated them and they were always hiding.

    Your tank looks lovely. My only concern is that the peice on the right looks like it has some sharp edges which could tear betta fins.

    Hmm good to know what was the height of your tanks? Hmm they r not very sharp but i think because of the flow he wouldnt go there i think the Hob is right behind it. I don't really know about bettas variaties could you tell me which ones do you think are the healthiest ones?

    On 7/20/2023 at 7:45 PM, Lennie said:

    I agree that plakats have much better swimming skills, however we can't deny the problem comes with the color types and genetics too which are also valid for common plakats. Like aliens are also known to be problematic and they are human made hybrids. Kois that color up nonstop, scale bettas, marbles, dragonscales, are known to be prone to developing tumors, cancer, can go blind due to scale growth on their eye, and many other stuff. So "every bit of color" may actually mean tend to being prone to cancer/tumors too. Also at this point bettas are usually inbred a lot.

    But yes, I do think plakats would be the best bet in general at least if you avoid marbles, dragonscales, aliens, and kois. And ofcourse, big ears. Don't even need to mention that I believe. They have the worst quality of life in terms of swimming, imo.

    Yes i mean if you look at the way they swim you can tell that is not healthy,but which variaties do you recommended? Do u have any page talking about that i can check? 

  23. On 7/20/2023 at 2:08 PM, Lennie said:

    yes I believe a plakat would do okay with that height and ph. At least 2 male and 4 female plakats of mine do 

    Is your HOB working as a waterfall? That can be an issue pushing betta away as they like to feed on the surface and breathe there so they spend a good amount of time on the surface. If not, is there chance you can level up the HOB so it does not create a waterfall?

    I've been reading about other fishes just in case a betta wasnt my choice i liked this ones: ramirezi, sparkling gouramis,chilli rasborras, peackock gungeon, colisas lalia.

    If you guys have any sugestions, i would like fish with low bioload.

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