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John Forbes

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  1. Yes I agree that the coloring is not natural, still the fry are pink. its ok at least I know what they are. I was convinced that somehow they were angelfish fry because of the timing of the spawn. I got fooled... No worries. I cant sell the glofish fry so I will have to either find someone to give them to or I will have to keep them. John
  2. There are like 4 or 5 that are very light blue. Almost translucent. Yes smaller and do not look as good. John
  3. So the explanation i have offered makes sense i hope. The only explanation i could come up with.Yes I knew about the glofish rehoming already. Thanks for the Info. John
  4. Everything you have said makes sense except for how it happened. I literally watched my angelfish spawn. I then moved the eggs to a different tank and these are the resulting fry. At least so I thought. Now, the tank I moved the eggs to at one time did have glofish in it. But I removed them a week prior to adding the angelfish eggs. So the only plausible explanation is that there was already glofish eggs In That tank that i didn't know about prior to the glofish removal, and the angelfish eggs that I moved there didn't survive. The timing was perfect. Thanks for your help. John
  5. Yes I am 100% sure these are angelfish fry. Some of them are completely clear like GlassFish. But most are pink. There are other fish in the tank. Some Bolivian rams and a different species of angelfish. I sat and watched the two parents spawning. I'm 100% sure they are angelfish fry. After they were done I removed the eggs and out them in a different tank. John
  6. I have a tank of Golden Angelfish that are spawning. The fry are pink. Yes Pink. Just wondering what happened here? OR are the Fry supposed to be hot pink like this? John Forbes
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