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  1. I can stop by my LFS tomorrow and see if they have some. Can try that.
  2. I do not feed specific foods, just break up some algae waffers and put them in. this a pic, and no, the back light does not come on. ever. and thank you for the threads. i will read into them.
  3. Good evening. I have been venturing into the hobby for a little bit now. Little over a year. Have a 55 gallon with peacocks in it. Decided to try my hands with cherry shrimp and for some reason they are dying off very slowly. Seems to be in the motling stage. I have inert gravel with crushed coral in it. Ph of 7.7, temp of 75, no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrates. have several low light plants, some hair algae on some, drift wood. some seem to molt just fine. just seems to be one a week. Not sure what to do. Have done water changes, 20 gallon tank. small water change once a week. maybe 2 or 3 gallons.
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