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Mark A.

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  1. Thanks to JettsPapa and Guppysnail... for your responses ! I'm intrigued by the description of light reduction and manual intervention having improved your BBA situation... I have already changed my lighting schedule to 2 x 4hr sessions of LED lighting (was nearly 12 hours solid). The BBA is so insidious, manually plucking / cutting seems futile, but I'll try. I'm also thrilled at the RR technique shared! Initially I assumed I needed a C02 system as the source of the 'Pure CO2 solution' for plant/wood/rock immersion. Finding that (good) seltzer water can be used is very encouraging and I'll definitely be trying it ! I'll share the outcomes to add to this body of knowledge. Over the course of researching about BBA and it's eradication, I've learned that BBA, and likely algae is general, are indications of a 'tank out of balance'. So I'll be looking for other aspects of my tank that are other possible contributors. Thanks !
  2. Many thanks for your much appreciated replies... I read both that were directly in answer to my post and went down the gravity well that is a 2009 discussion concerning the high toxicity of the glutaraldehyde in Excel vs BBA control. I am torn between highly limited use and complete abandonment of the product. Right now the use of CO2 injections is (with investment in tank(s), regulator, manifold & diffuser) cost, space, and hassle prohibitive. Buried deep within the 2009 thread (w/Dirk Bellstedt, et al) is reference to "Microbe Lift Bio Carbon' (https://microbelift.com/product/bloom-grow-bio-carbon/) (not an endorsement)... Does anyone have experience with this as an alternative to CO2 diffusion ? I recognize it's not a direct BBA solution but I have to do something.
  3. Hello Everyone, Forgive this repost / re-visitation of an older topic/thread... I had initial posted a reply to a much older thread and fear my question may have gotten lost. I am mostly concerned with unintentionally harming/killing my nerites and mystery snail(s) and Khulie Loaches, even with properly dosing Flourish Excel. I would really appreciate shared knowledge on this topic... Many thanks ! My original Post: "Hello All... Mark A.. new to the CARE Forum but not to FW aquarium hobby... I too am battling a BBA encroachment and saw numerous vids regarding it's (Seachem Flourish Excel) value (Note: Had I known of Easy Carbon being similar, I would have started there). Yes, the product disclaimers are a bit daunting... but with a bit of precaution and common sense (handling harsh chemicals) I want to give it a try because I Need to stop the BBA ! My question is regarding any potential for toxicity to Snails (nerites & mystery) and well as 'scale-less fish' (Kuhli Loaches), please ? Also, I too would appreciate a re-post of the mentioned Scientist warning on Flourish Excel use/exposure, please ? Lastly, I found a great set of 'ML' graduated syringes with 10-inch long, 14-gauge 'blunt' needles that is perfect for direct/spot dosing... available at 'everyone's favorite internet shopping' site (name withheld as I am new to Forum name-dropping). Thank you for whatever advice can be shared regarding BBA & Seachem Flourish Excel ! Mark A."
  4. Hello All... Mark A.. new to the CARE Forum but not to FW aquarium hobby... I too am battling a BBA encroachment and saw numerous vids regarding it's (Seachem Flourish Excel) value (Note: Had I known of Easy Carbon being similar, I would have started there). Yes, the product disclaimers are a bit daunting... but with a bit of precaution and common sense (handling harsh chemicals) I want to give it a try because I Need to stop the BBA ! My question is regarding any potential for toxicity to Snails (nerites & mystery) and well as 'scale-less fish' (Kuhli Loaches), please ? Also, I too would appreciate a re-post of the mentioned Scientist warning on Flourish Excel use/exposure, please ? Lastly, I found a great set of 'ML' graduated syringes with 10-inch long, 14-gauge 'blunt' needles that is perfect for direct/spot dosing... available at 'everyone's favorite internet shopping' site (name withheld as I am new to Forum name-dropping). Thank you for whatever advice can be shared regarding BBA & Seachem Flourish Excel ! Mark A.
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