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Posts posted by Beedle

  1. So I work in a school district. Over covid stuff, they bought so so many large sheets of 3/16in acrylic sheets. Now they are that they are talking them down and starting to look to get rid of them.

    I was wondering if it would be a good idea to use 3/16th acrylic to make some small (nano) aquariums. I understand that around 1ft tall tanks usually want a .25in sheet. But there are just so many spare huge sheets of this acrylic that will be thrown away. 

    I could always make braces for the tops of the tanks. And they haven't been cleaned with any harsh chemicals.

    Does anyone make acrylic tanks that would be willing to give their 2 cents?

  2. In my 1.5 gals Neocaridinia Davidi Shrimp tank, the air pump got unplugged overnight and I came back to plug it in when I noticed these all over the sides of the tank and nearby plants. 
    I believe they may be detritus worms, the only thing holding me back is the circular shape of their head. (the lights were out and the sponge filter not running all night)

    the second photo has a zoomed-in image of their shape,  note the bottom larger one, the lowest part was the head. 
    I have had a type of detritus worm before and these don't quite look like them. But they don't look quite like planaria either. 

    The worms did not seem to be on the shrimp. 

    I want a second opinion before I do anything too drastic. 

    Screenshot 2023-02-23 132826.png


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