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Posts posted by BSR

  1. I know there are many different types of swords, this one seems to be more compact with a lighter shade of green, i have never seen one like this and i found it in a tank at my LFS, it wasnt in the plant section but rather in a random small tank. I asked to purchase it and they obliged. I was just hoping someone could help identify because i really like it and would like to get more. Thank you so much in advance!!!



  2. My family / friends know im into the "fish hobby" but dont really understand all that goes into it. Recently my Betta passed away, He had battled some tumors on his side that i had been treating for the last 6 months. I tried to provide him the best home to be comfortable and his house was on my desk where i saw him every day for a number of years. I just wanted to share with like minded people who have most likely gone through the same thing of loosing a cherished fish / pet. His name was Pixel and he was a really active betta that always greeted me and loved a good black worm. Thanks for listening...attached is a pic



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  3. Hello Co-op Family, I am very interested in setting up a 15 Gallon Cube Betta Tank with Maylasian Driftwood and nothing but different types of Anubias, everything from Nana Petite to a Anubuias Mother pot's. What would be the ideal fertilizers for the anubias thrive. I have read where i believe more Potassium in the water would be beneficial w/ medium to low lights. Any extra info would help. Thank you in advance,

    Brian (charlotte NC)

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