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here fishyfishy

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Posts posted by here fishyfishy

  1. Thanks a bunch! I went ahead and put em back in. Gonna hawk eye them for the next 24-48. If they start acting up ill pull em back out. Since they can breath from the top that eases my mind a little and I will definately take this wisdom in the future. Prolly be a future without wood for a little while. Until I feel brave enough. Thanks for the response, it helps so much knowing there's someone out there that'll help with knowledge 🙂

    Thx again


  2. Thanks so much but my nitrites are topping out of the chart, I'm really afraid to put them in. The tank is clear, I've added bacteria that I won't think will harm them but the levels havent went down in hours. Its registering over 5.0 ppm for nitrite. I just don't wanna wake to dead fish.

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate it more than you know. The fish I have are bettas, female sorority. They have done well until I started messing with stuff ex wood 

  3. I set up a tank about 6 weeks ago. I put 5 fish and 5 plants.  The tank cycled, I put a piece of mopani wood in it, didn't like it, removed it, and started super cleaning my tank to get all the brown out, now I crashed my cycle, so bad I have to remove my fish, how to I fix this?? I put quick start, stress zyme, and holding. Tank is a ten gallon hang on back filter with carbon standard filter. Anyone know how to quick cycle please advise. #fishfirst #fishmustlive

    #i❤my fishes


    Thanks anyone that can advise

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