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  1. Not sure what to do. It's been days now, and the little guy hasn't eaten at all. Nothing. I mixed flake, unflavored gelatin, metro in a mud and put it in the fridge. The other sick fish are eating it (a rummy I suspected to have columnaris, a German blue ram which developed hole in the head possibly,) but the acara just will not. Starting to look thin. Losing more and more color, and the head looking more white. I am still dosing metro and kanaplex in water column.
  2. So the main acara in question I moved into my 10g QT. Dude does not seem happy at all, basically either hiding in a cringe castle I have, or just floating there. Will not eat the metroplex (or any food for that matter). I know just dosing metroplex into the water is barely effective...should I put him in a metro bath? Get a container, fill it up 1/2" dose a lot of metroplex, and make him gasp and gulp and flop the stuff down for a few minutes? I'd imagine this would be stressful for him, but I don't know what to do. Should I just dose the tank and see what happens after 4 days, then make the call on the bath?
  3. Crap. I didn't include photos. Here. I'll say the spots have not changed, at all for at least 7 days.
  4. Thank you so much for your patience. One last question. I have noticed another acara has a white spot on the base of it's dorsal fin. And it's matching the exact same size, on both sides. Just one spot, on each side. Should I QT him as well and feed metroplex? Or do you think he's fine? I have noticed this around the same time the other acara has been in question
  5. Ok. I picked up metroplex and I also bought hikari cichlid bio-gold+ pellet food. Does this food have any vegetable matter in it for the fish, or is it still not enough? They had hikari excel pellet food too, but reading reviews it looks like bio gold+ is better quality?? If it's still not a good rounded diet for them, I can use broccoli in the mean time. Do I just soften up the broccoli and plop it in the tank and remove leftover a day or two later? Secondary question- is this pellet food good for my tetras as well, or should I stick with feeding this cichlid pellet and flake food for both types of fish?
  6. Hey, thanks. So I recently recovered from ick, so my water parameters are a little off due to large water changes daily dosing ick x. That was 14 days ago or so. But ph is about 7.4. Ammonia 0. Nitrites 0. Nitrate 5-10ppm. (was 20-40 before I had ick and did water changes a lot). I feed flake food with several times a week frozen blood worms/frozen brine shrimp. I'll put the fish in the 10g QT tank and pick up some metroplex! Must I mix it with food or can I dose the tank? I only ask because I'm low on money right now, extremely, and I don't have any binding agent.
  7. I have 3 electric blue acaras amongst other fish in a 75g tank. I noticed one acara appears to like hiding between a crevice, and has a white than normal forehead. My water parameters are good, due to mainly recovering from ick and dosing ick x, following 30-40 percent water changes. After ick cleared, I couldn't stand my gravel substrate anymore so I did a fish-in substrate swap to sand. I have 2 aquaclear 110s and my water is clear. One of these pictures is taken from the side, showing my water is clear. Between the ick, the substrate change, whatever, this fish must have developed something. I have a 10g quarantine tank, I am just not sure how to treat the fish. It appears that CNI is caused by horrible water quality with mass bacteria floating in the water. That isn't really the case right now, will this resolve itself or do I need to QT it and treat the fish with ___? I have kanaplex, but not sure if that'll help.
  8. NOOOO cracked center brace on a 55g tank during a tank swap!!!! I was swapping a nicely used 55 from a super scratched 55. Then I cracked the center brace! I took off the old upper trim of my old 55g tank....and was going to start removing the trim from the new 55g tank...but then I figured out, the "old" trim fits right over the [now] bad trim, so I saved myself the hassle from removing the other trim as well. So I should be good, right? Yeah, the original center brace is split, but now there's the old trim over it so the tank can't bow??? Pictures of the broken brace by itself, and the replacement brace placed right over it As well as when the tank is filled....it looks like the original brace has seperated just a few MM with a full tank of water, but not going any further. Is this sufficient or should I go get a 1/4" piece of glass and silicone it and make a brace that way?
  9. pH is 7.5. Nitrites are 0. The nitrate is less than 5 or so only because it's a newly filled tank from 3 days ago. I tested my water right before the tank change. The nitrate is only so low now because there's 75g of new tank water in the tank. Right before we did the swap, we tested the parameters of the 55. Ammonia next to 0, nitrite 0, pH the same 7.4ish, and nitrate was 40. The ammonia, nitrite, and pH have remained the same from the 55g last testing up until the transfer and me just now testing it again for the thread. So, no ammonia, pH, or nitrite spikes. The 55g was completely cycled and over a year old. The 55g's aquaclear 110 with it's media went into the 75g.
  10. Ammonia- under .25ppm Nitrate- under .5ppm Ph- 7.5 Originally this was a 55g tank that I've had running for a year. Fully cycled and happy tank. 20 Rummynose. 15 black phantoms. 6 serpaes (bought last month) 2 angelfish. 3 electric blue acaras (just bought these last week). Found a good deal for a 75g online. Came with 2 aquaclear 110s, live plants, new substrate unopened bags, driftwood and tons of free biomax balls sitting out. It was a great deal. But the equipment and accessories were horrific. I'm talking 30 minutes deep cleaning 2 filters type of bad. Everything I just mentioned was all used. Full of dried gunk and algae. Full of debris. Conditions of location were not great. -soaked the biomax ceramic balls in warm water and vinegar. Rinsed and agitated with tap water extremely well. Soaked in dechlorinated solution. -rinsed live plants in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Dipped in dechlorinated water after. Did the massive task of transferring fish and tanks. The fish sat in a tote with a bubbler and a heater while waiting for the new home. This was on Saturday, 3 days ago. At this time, I added nothing of the 75g tank accessories except the wood and the new unopened substrate. Everything else was from my 55g. Last night, Monday, is when I added the extra filter and inserted the new "clean" filter media. I used loctite superglue to mount the "clean" java Fern to some rocks I had and to some of the driftwood. I also soaked some of my preexisting fake plants in hydrogen peroxide/vinegar and rinsed them in tap water agitated the algae off. Today I get off work and see 1 serpae tetra barely breathing. I poke around with it, it has trouble swimming. I humanely euthanize it. I see 5 black phantom tetras all dead in various spots around my fake plants. I don't know what caused this. Did something transfer over from the plants? From the biomedia I cleaned? Did any vinegar/peroxide get into the tank and kill them? Were they just stressed and had a delayed reaction from the move on Saturday? My water parameters are great. Temp is at 80. Why only the black phantoms and the 1 serpae? I do have a hunch I have columnaris floating around in the tank, and this is for 3 reasons- 6 months ago 1 rummy had a massive white patch. He died. I didn't do anything to treat the tank as everyone else was fine. A week into owning my new serpae tetras a month ago I did a massive water change and agitated a lot of the sand to clean it up, and one serpae developed the classic massive white patch- he was not going to make it, humanely euthanize him. Last week I noticed 1 serpae had a big white blip on its mouth (not cottony) but it's been getting smaller and smaller. I assume the fish are all strong and healthy and columnaris isn't a problem...until it is. I fear treating the tank with kanaplex currently as none of the fish show any symptoms besides that 1 blip of the mouth and I don't want to medicate when there isn't a 'problem' I guess? Anyways, I don't think the columnaris is related to these fish dying as they didn't show any signs of it. Was it the transfer? Was it anything I put into the tank? Maybe just an internal illness? Odd how it was just the phantoms and 1 serpae....
  11. Gotcha. I missed the Focus part when I just went to the fish store. Am I wasting it if I try it without focus?
  12. Last question I think- do I need to soak the kanaplex in the food, or can I just administer it to the tank? All I have is flake food and frozen bloodworms.
  13. I have a 20gallon long quarantine tank for which I just adopted 10 black ruby barbs at my local fish store about 2 or 3 days ago as well as a dwarf blue gourami. I am using filter media from my cycled tank and a spare heater for my quarantine tank. I am glad I decided to quarantine, as I noticed one of them has a red, protruding lesion. I am not familiar with this problem, but extensive googling has led me to maybe red pest? Aka hemorrhagic septicemia. The only medication I have currently is ich x, and I did do one dose of that only because I know it is a broad-ish medicine for some infection and I felt like I had to do *something* Note- these pictures are from 24 hours before this post. The sore is slightly redder and darker now, not much larger though. The fish is not pineconing and it does not have ich (others elsewhere have commented those issues, but it is just the scales shimmering in the light giving that illusion). There appears to be something white-ish at the tip of the protrusion, It doesn't appear to move or anything like a worm, perhaps it's just part of flesh.
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