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Posts posted by je.mar.sh

  1. Please help, added 2 cory cats to my school of 4. Within the week a few my cory cats have gotten these raised white spots that appear fuzzy along their body and at the base of their dorsal fins. I have moved them to a hospital tank, but I'm not sure what I'm dealing with. The cloudy white color of the effected areas has seemingly gone away overnight in the hospital tank 🤔 there is sand in the hospital tank and its getting stuck to the now clear raised spots. I don't think it's columnaris, there's no fuzzy stuff around any mouths. Otto's, Embers and Shrimp that shared the same tank are currently uneffected by whatever this is... they were just fed when the photos were taken, that's what's all over the substrate. But a few days before I saw these spots,  I gave them blood worms and forgot to siphon them out, they were in there like an hour if that could indicate anything. Images are from when spots were initially observed. 




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