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Mayberry Dan

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  1. I live in Mount Airy Nc hence the name Mayberry Dan. We have a Wet Vet in Raleigh. I’m going to do as you have suggested and maybe try a different parasite med. others have suggested API general cure. If that didn’t work I’m going to make the 6 hour Roland trip to Raleigh with Disco. I hope he don’t mind the big city lol🤪. Thank you CJ for being so caring.
  2. CJ thank you very much for your well thought out response. You are correct As far as my method of treating Disco. He is not just an aquarium ornament he is my wife’s baby. Kind of like Murphy is to Corey. I do have another tank that I can switch him to. I will do what you have suggested. I was kind of wondering if it is a parasite that the para cleanse isn’t getting. Because I seen some videos that say flutes depending on witch ones you are dealing with need to be treated with different meds. The fish acts completely fine but I would hate to see it turn for the worse. Thank you so much!
  3. Diso has had the bumps come up on him in behind his side fins. I treated with Med trio because I thought it was a injury. It healed and can back. I followed up with Med trio because I was like it must be flutes and I didn’t get some of them. It healed up and came back. What is it?
  4. Thank you! I’ll try it out.
  5. Also there is nothing in the tank besides plants and one little flat piece of drift wood. Here is Discos tank. Not much to continuously get hurt on. These sores are behind the side fin. The fins to this point have remained intact. It is some type of lice, or parasite, infection, etc that Med trio seems to help but does not prevent it from coming back
  6. It isn’t a cyst or tumor it spreads if left alone. Something in Med trio heals it but it comes back. I’m lost how does the marycyn mix with the food? I don’t think so because it will spread if not treated.
  7. I honestly don’t think so because it is inside of the fin and the fins don’t get hurt It’s not on the head and it heals and goes away Thank you
  8. This is Disco. My wife and I have fallen in love with him. He is getting these sores next to his gills. I assumed it was an injury at first and then thought flutes. I have used Med trio and it seems to heal it up but it just continues to come back. Poor guy has been on meds for a couple of weeks now on and off and Med trio isn’t working. Please help my wife and I would be devastated if I can’t figure out how to treat it. Thanks ph is 7.5, temp is 80, 0amonia, 0nitrite, ps. I did follow up with the wormer.
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