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Posts posted by Confetto

  1. On 4/15/2024 at 10:23 PM, Rich L. said:

    Also have you looked into methods of threating ich by just raising the water temperature?  

    I was considering raising the temp to 80°, however I read both CPDs and tetras don't do well in temperatures over 78°. The loaches would like it.

    Now three CPDs have spots. Someone commented here separating the fish, but my Q-tank is currently a hatchery for baby snails. That and trying to catch kuhlis I will only stress the fish more. 

    Absolutely nowhere local carries the Hikari X 😣 Even ordering it on Amazon it won't get here until Friday. So I went ahead with the Metro and Focus tonight as better to treat with something rather than nothing. The kuhlis & the neons ate the treated food however the CPDs have not touched it. I may also add some aquarium salt in the morning and ordered IX from ACO as it should arrive Weds. 

  2. This afternoon I discovered what I believe to be ick on one of my celestial pearl danios. This is a freshly cycled planted tank, new fish all bought at the same time at the same store. The tanks looked good and the fish look good. Five days later, I noticed spots on one fish.

    I went back to the LFS, whom I have a love-hate relationship with, I showed them a photo and a video of my fish where they confirmed it was indeed ick. I had asked for Hikari ick x  which they we're out of stock, however they offered me Seachem metaplex and focus.

    At the store, they did tell me how to use the products, but when I got home, I double checked on Google which said Metro doesn't treat ick.  With conflicting information I'm at a loss of what to actually do. 

    The tank stocking: 10 neon tetras, four CPDs & six kuhli loaches. Parameters pictured below.



  3. I just set up my first 20L planted tank this weekend. I'm using Fluval stratum for the substrate, two ACO sponge filters, rainbow slate stone and an assortment of plants. (Windelov java fern, crinum calamistratum, bucephalandra, bacopa & anubias)

    I had one of the two sponges sitting in my established desktop tank for 2 weeks with my mystery snails - it's only a 3 gallon and the extra sponge took up a lot of room. After I rinsed the stratum and filled the tank, I installed the seeded sponge with a dosing of SEED into the tank. It's been 48 hours and I tested my water for the first time.

    pH: 6.4 Ammo: 0 NO2: 0 NO3: 5.0 GH: 72 KH 36 Temp: 80

    I know the pH needs work, but the other numbers are looking pretty good. So what I'm asking now is this tank potentially ready for fish?

    Two years ago when I had Miso the betta and Zamboni the mystery snail, I had the typical beginner tank with pea gravel & two anubias plants. Zamboni has since passed leaving me with several of her children (in a 10G bare bottom hatchery) and I'm ready to upgrade to a larger tank.

    The 20L is going to be home to Kuhli loaches and some community fish. 


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  4. A friend of mine gave me gobs of süsswassertang from their tank. I quarantined the plant(s) and noticed some VERY tiny snails - perhaps ramshorns.  Not welcome visitors. 

    Can I use alum on süsswassertang to rid me of the critters?  Club soda soak? Peroxide? 

    The plants are currently in a one gallon pickle jar. Can some talk me through pest removal?

  5. I have about thirty two Mystery Snail hatchlings. 

    Z-1 was born Oct 3rd and a few days later its siblings began to emerge. October 14th the second clutch erupted bringing the total to 60+ babies. 

    Sadly, we lost about half of the hatchlings; perhaps a bit of nature's course and my lack of experience as a snail-mom. However I believe snails lay as many eggs as they do because so few make it to adulthood.

    Today I'm celebrating four successful weeks and the discovery of a late bloomer, the second snail to receive a name, Bitsy. What a wonderful experience this has been thus far, one I never had imagined. 





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  6. My baby mystery snails are between 25-27 days old and some are the size of a pencil eraser. They have been living in a breeder box in a 6 gallon Sterilite storage tote and perhaps a foolish question, but are the ready to wander the full container? 

    I worry about them finding food in a larger area. The tote has a heater and a sponge filter of course, and three fake plants as well as a tiny bucephalandra plant. Can I just place their food in different locations around the tote for them to find?

    Clearly a first time snail mom 😉



  7. Zamboni was pregnant when I got her back in May. The water level in my OG tank is pretty high, so imagine my surprise when a 2in clutch of eggs appeared... And then, two others! I had to transfer the clutches to a bigger tank as currently I only have the cycled 3 gallon. And by bigger tank, it's a sterilite tote.  A population boom in my small Aqueon would crash it. If you look at the picture above, the midsize clutch was actually touching the water when Zamboni laid it. That is why it's kind of wonky shaped and we lost about 20 to 30 eggs. 

    As of this morning, no other hatchlings have emerged yet. I realize that the incubator tray is a challenge for the baby snails to climb out of, but it's what I had on hand. It was originally in the OG tank while I cycled the hatchery tub. Now that the birth process has begun, I am monitoring hourly if any others appear. I suppose I will give this a few days before I smoosh the clutch.

    This is all the first for me. I did not have Pregnant Mystery Snail on my BINGO card when I got started last yeat. I just wanted a small tank with either a betta or a snail to enjoy. Now there's a 10 gallon hatchery tub in the kitchen and soon there will be a 20L gallon set up in the common room 😆 How very quickly this hobby expands itself. 

  8. Sept 15th I had posted here that my mystery snail had produced a clutch of eggs. Since then, two more clutches have been laid.

    Tonight when I got home from work, I discovered my first snail baby. I moved it from the paper towels to the floating breeder box in my cycled quarantine tank with an algae wafer and some crushed crab cuisine pellets.

    Baby is moving around in the breeder box.

    Do I just manually move the snails from the incubator box to the breeder as they show up? I watched several videos about snail eggs, but no definitive answer as to when I know the clutch is ready manually assist the baby snails emergence. My first clutch isn't that moldy color I keep reading about (see photo below) how long do I let the birth process go naturally?




  9. I have had Zamboni since May 19th. She was alone in a 'feature tank' at my LFS, however it is clear now she hooked up at SpongeBob's Pineapple Bar prior.

    I have begun reading your journal. Due to my limited snail keeping knowledge & supplies, I took your suggestion for the incubator set-up:

    Moist towel, barrier, dry towel, eggs. Still floating the incubator in the tank, but due to the water level, the storage container is pressed to the lid, sealing it, so I've shifted it to allow air flow where the lid meets the door.

    Now we wait. 




  10. On 9/14/2023 at 11:08 PM, Stef said:


    Is Zamboni the only occupant in that 3 gal?

    Yes, Zamboni lives alone in a planted nano tank.  

    My LFS got back to me & said they could help rehome any babes I can't handle. Woohoo - store credit!

    Fingers crossed I can borrow a larger tank for a temporary hatchery. With the possibility of babies, my plans fory 20L may have gotten pushed forward LoL! 

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  11. Within the last 36 hours, I have been feverishly reading up on what to do about the possible population boom in my three gallon tank. 

    Clearly not ideal situation, however Zamboni has laid a lovely egg clutch on the door of her tank. I am not remotely prepared to house snail babies. I have sent a text to the fish store where I got Zamboni if they would be interested in taking the snails should they survive, and have asked two hobby friends if they would like to foster in one of their bonus tanks or I have two weeks to borrow and set up a hatchery tank. Waiting for responses.

    In the meantime, this morning when I went to feed Zamboni, the clutch slid across the the condensation on the door/lid. In a hasty moment, I used an Ikea snack container, lined it with paper towel & a tablespoon of tank water and floating it in my tank. This is the sketchiest DIY LoL!

    Please tell me I am giving these guys the best chance. The idea of disposing the clutch didn't sit right with me. I would rather nature do it nature does and figure out the details when we get there. This could be a sack of unfertilized eggs as Zamboni is the only inhabitant.. OR Zee has a backstory I wasn't aware of when I adopted her.





  12. On 8/8/2023 at 3:16 PM, Guppysnail said:

    If it was tiny and looked like a thread possible twitching then still then twitch in the water there is a very good chance it was a standard detritus worm.


    Yeah, it would twitch several times, stop, and begin twitching again, stop and repeat. Fingers crossed these squatters are benign.

  13. Zamboni not only uprooted my bucephalandra last week, but moved it across the tank. In the process, a small piece broke off. I tucked the roots of the Baby buce in the rocks at the original location & placed a small rock on the Mother buce to keep it in place. Zamboni kept knocking the rock off and the buce just sat atop the gravel.

    Today after some mich needed tank maintenance, I tucked the roots of the OG buce into the gravel & noticed new growth (🎉) and shortly after, Zamboni is plowing into it... again. This is bonkers!

    Can bucephalandra survive above the substrate?IMG_20230804_1432132562.jpg.ad5d6e8450d353548e98406297a4dbc2.jpgIMG_20230808_152938195.jpg.286ca4bcf8e65d59c683bd721a0cda6b.jpg

    • Haha 1
  14. I just did an overdue 50% water change & gravel vac on my snail's tank and noticed three tiny, twitchy white worms. Those are detrious worms, right?? 

    I tried to capture a photo and couldn't get a focused shot. Tried to post a video and the file is too big.

    They moved like inch worms on Monster energy drink.

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