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Posts posted by Schuyler

  1. There are three new Aphyosemion Ocellatum fry to go with the others: 


    The juvenile Aphyosemion Ocellatum are starting to color up and the males are getting their spots:


    They're still hiding a lot which makes me nervous: 


    The Nothobranchius Eggersi make had started doing this thing where he'll dig into the Süßwassertang to get some good that feel in there and then he'll just lay there in a weird position like he's stuck;


  2. Why are you going guy a fish in cycle? Do you already have the fish in another tank that you've realized is too small?

    Is it just sand or is there something under it? How deep is the sand? 

    It looks like you have Texas holey rock on there. Some val may do well as a background plant but you may want a little more substrate

  3. On 5/14/2024 at 2:43 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

    I’m so jealous! You couldn’t buy the acrylic to make that tank for $5! 
    And multis… what a great use for that tank. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the upgrade 🙂

    Yeah it was the last item in a six hour auction. By that point miss people were gone and we were staying to clean up. 


    Here it is all cleaned up. There were some big scratches on the front that removed with polish and a sander. I replaced the sand paper with a rag at it essentially worked like a buffer. That went much faster than when I tried doing it by hand. The inside still has quite a few scratches but those go away under water.

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  4. Here is a video of how I'm going to do the background: 

    The tricky part will be that I can't do it all as one piece because it had to fit into that hole in the top.

    My plan is to make rounded rocks that fit together like a sort of cobblestone. That way the seems will hopefully look more natural.

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  5. Sometimes cherries will throw random other colors especially if they're mixed or low grade. It may just need time to color up.

    It's almost certainly not an amano because they're really hard to breed even if you're actively trying.

  6. Aphyosemion Ocellatum 


    They came from a club auction. Pretty much the only way to get them is if you know someone. They also show up on Aquabid once every few months.

    They're cool looking killifish but hard to breed and slow growing... If you're into killifish and want a bit more of a challenge then go for it but there are other kills if recommend before these

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  7. A centerpiece fish with shrink will be pretty tricky. Unless you count a fancy pleco as a centerpiece, that could work with shrimp.

    I've also heard of people having luck with killifish in the genus Aphyosemion. My Aphyosemion Ocellatum are in with some cherry shrimp and they're more or less left then alone. That said, they are very well feed on lots of life Daphnia and worms so they don't need to try finding the shrimp.

  8. I got this tank about a month ago from a club auction for $5. The plan was to ungrade the multis from they 10 gallon tank.


    It's acrylic and needs a good polishing. I'm also not a huge fan of the blue background but that's literally just the back panel so I'm going to create a background for it because it will be in a highly visible spot. I'm also thinking about making a lid to cover that opening so that stuff from the cabinet doesn't accidentally fall in. 

    The scape and stocking are pretty simple since this will be a Shelly tank.

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  9. Only three of those 25 Aphyosemion Ocellatum eggs hatched and survive as fry. They grow so slow too!


    The older juvenile Aphyosemion Ocellatum are being really skittish. I'm not sure why though. The water parameters seem fine I wonder if they're just going through a phase, if it's the temp, or maybe the fry tray is spooking them? They hang out near the back or under leaves.


    I also got some Fundulopanchax Gardneri eggs from someone near me. I have never seen fry gorge themselves like these do: 


    The flagfish are doing really well and I've seen them spawning a few times.PXL_20240509_031146316.jpg.4331a1854b87bb78d9f002debc10564e.jpg

    The background keeps falling down. The coconut stems still have a ton of biofilm on them which seems like a crazy long time but I guess it's probably providing lots of food for the flagfish who seem to be growing quickly. They are also getting white worms, live daphnia, and brine shrimp pretty frequently.


  10. PXL_20240427_234410266.jpg.b2f9bf5ec931d286d7037b5bbd9861fd.jpg

    Things are filling out again and getting pretty overgrown.

    This was my haul from the GSAS big auction a few weeks ago. That 20g acrylic with everything inside it was only $5. The castle was free because sometime say that my kid liked it.


    The shell dwellers are getting more settled in: 


    Once I figure it a background for that 20 long they will likely be moved into there.

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  11. UNS 45 doesn't have a lid does it?

    If it did, I would recommend a pair of killifish. Something in the genus Aphyosemion or maybe some clown killis. But I wouldn't bother if you didn't have a lid. Without the lid you may as well just put them directly on the floor lol

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  12. Bleach is fine. I've even read a tropical fish hobbyist magazine article by some well known fish people who recommend adding a few drops in with your brine shrimp eggs. It's supposed to kill off any hitchhikers and he'll decapitate the shrimp. By the time they hatch any bleach will have gassed off.

    If you're worried just used extra dechlorinator when you rinse.

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