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Abby W

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  1. I was recently given a 20 long with a filter and heater, along with aragonite sand and reef rock, as the previous owner was going to set it up as a reef tank. I'm wanting to set it up as a low tech planted freshwater tank (possibly with CPDs or a betta, no cichlids), and I was wondering if I could still use the aragonite substrate? I'm planning on adding driftwood, so that might lower the pH a bit, but would the aragonite cause too much of a pH spike for plants? I'm not adding CO2 and my tap water runs slightly acidic. I have had success so far with freshwater sand and root tabs in my other heavily planted tanks. I have some pebble substrate I could use as well, but I'm worried that large pebbles won't hold root tabs for stem plants. I want to try to use what I have, but I don't want to try the aragonite unless I know it is safe for my tank.
  2. Thanks! No, unfortunately the fish that came with the 29 gallon were an albino rainbow shark and a common pleco, which both need a bigger tank. I've been trying to rehome them, but that's been difficult. But when I do find new homes for them I'll be excited to put my guppies in there and maybe add a gourami or something. Here's one of the pregnant females in the 10 gallon.
  3. About two months ago, I acquired a 29 gallon tank along with a common pleco and an albino rainbow shark. I started doing a bunch of research, and found that they both require a much larger tank. The previous owners gave me the tank set up with a stone gravel substrate, an undergravel filter setup, and an Aqueon 75 hob filter. I removed the undergravel filter and replaced most of the stones with sand and added some driftwood. The pleco quite enjoys burrowing in the sand (and has pulled up quite a few plants I tried putting in there. :D I now have a separate 10 gallon for most of my plants and some guppies.) I have been considering rehoming the pleco and shark, but I haven't found anyone in my area with room in a larger tank, and I would not be comfortable putting them online on Aquabid or whatnot because there's so much that goes into shipping live fish. I recently found a good deal on a 75 gallon tank setup that I could put them in. I would love to have another tank, but I'm afraid that I've caught the MTS bug that could wear off in a few months. Should I go for it and try the 75 gallon or keep trying to rehome them?
  4. My female guppies are very pregnant, and I had a coworker tell me today that I should hike the temperature up so it's near or above 90°F because they like to give birth in warmer water. I currently have them in a planted 10 gallon at 82°F. I thought that 82 was high, and I've even shut off the tank's heater since the weather has been so hot and the tank has stayed consistently at 82. Are temps above 85°F safe for them, and would it be beneficial to turn the heater back on?
  5. Hello! A few months ago I acquired a 29 gallon tank setup along with a couple of fish for free. Since then, I have been doing a ton of research about fish keeping and I have learned so much. I have memories from my childhood of our family keeping a few goldfish, guppies, and a pleco in what must have been a 2.5 gallon (or less) tank. Yikes! I am so glad that I found Cory's videos and did more research before I tried out guppies again. I loved watching and naming all the colorful guppies as a kid and I've wanted to get back into them as an adult, so I finally took the leap and I am expecting fry soon! I currently have a 10 gallon planted tank for my guppies and a few shrimp, as well as the 29 gallon. I have quite a few questions, so I'm excited to get some constructive feedback on this forum.
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