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Posts posted by HappilyHabil

  1. Hello, More Experienced Fish Parents. 
    Long story, short — My kids got 2 female bettas a couple months ago, and it’s our first experience as fish owners.  After bad local CPS advice, emergency supply purchases, and a replacement fish, they’re currently in two 3G tanks with integrated HOB filters and preset heaters.  One tank is cycled, one is part-way there.  Want more details?  You can read my intro story here.

    We just bought a 20G Long (thank you Petco sale!) with a lid.  I started getting some great suggestions on my welcome thread (linked above), but I’m always open to more.  The goal is a planted tank with hopes of a community/sorority tank someday.  Here’s where I’m at so far (probably all AOC unless specified or ya’ll tell me otherwise):

    - Divider — not sure if I want black or clear.  If I want a community or sorority eventually, should I go clear with lots of tall plants to expose the females to each other now?  If not, I’m going with a Life With Pets black divider.

    - Two sponge filters with air stones — should I go with medium filters since the goal is a community?

    - Air pump — with AOC, will I need two?  (I know I could use a gang valve, but would one handle the lid with tightened air stones in each filter?)  How loud will that be?

    - Adjustable heater

    - Air valves, check valves, tubing, 

    - Nicrew ClassicLED light

    - I’m so overwhelmed with substrate.  I’m probably going with anubias, Java fern, crypts, dwarf sag, or any of the easy plants that don’t require CO2.  I do want some Cory’s or Kuhli’s, though.  So I don’t know what substrate to get that won’t make cycling water parameters a pain in my butt but that will be beneficial for the fishies and whatever plants.  Did I mention that I’ve never done plants before?  We’ll, I’ve just barely started hanging some pothos over their tanks now, but that doesn’t count.  

    I’m 100% sure I’m overthinking it at this point…

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  2. On 9/2/2022 at 5:52 AM, Casual aquatics said:

    I have had luck keeping Cory’s and cherry barbs with bettas just a suggestion 

    Thanks!  Which type of Cory’s do you have? And what substrate do you find helpful for them and most easy care plants?  Trying to set myself up for success and choose plants, fish and substrate that work well together without giving me a whole lot of room to mess things up. 

  3. On 9/2/2022 at 12:00 PM, Tommy Vercetti said:

    20 gallon long is on sale right now at petco, this weekend for $25 . I would think that would be large enough without a divider. Good luck! We live in Las Vegas too.

    I saw that!  I was originally trying to find a used 10 gallon somewhere, but then I saw the sale and figured might as well go big.  It’ll only help and save me the trouble if I ever want to add more fish.  

     I thought I read that with betta sororities you need at least 5 or it won’t work.  And my girls are a bit traumatized after the incident. Big Sister went down the research rabbit hole with me the ordeal, and graciously told me, “Mommy, sororities aren’t recommended for beginners.  We probably shouldn’t do that again until we have more experience.” 🥲

    But I do want to try a clear divider with lots of tall plants to break line of sight.  That way they could get used to seeing each other?  If they’re too stressed, I’ll change it to a black one. 

  4. On 9/1/2022 at 11:43 PM, Casual aquatics said:

    Hello welcome to this amazing hobby. You can infact do a sorority given you have a big enough tank. You said you have goldfish and bettas? Just know that one is cold water and the other is tropical the goldfish need a 75 gal at least at fully size and I personally think bettas deserve a 5 gallon per fish but you could do the 3 gal  I would truly get a 10gal put your divider and call it a day . P.s a lot of people think otherwise but bettas deserve a heater and filter in there tank ❤️🐟

    Sorry, let me clarify.  When my girls were “gifted” the fish, we were told they were goldfish.  The moment I saw them, even I knew that they were bettas, NOT goldfish.  😅

    And the upgrade I want to do and actually came to this forum for was to ask for help with my idea of upgrading to a 20 gallon (long) planter tank and putting a divider for now to split it 10/10.  I haven’t tried plants yet, but I know which ones I want to try: Marino moss ball, Vallisneria or dwarf Sagittarius, Anubias, crypts. 

    Currently the girls’ tanks are side by side with a paper separating the view.  If that paper gets moved, they attack the glass.  I’m surprised they haven’t dented their faces.   But I’m not giving up hope of having a community tank at some point.  If I go with a 20 gallon now, then I have some wiggle room.  Nothing big, maybe kuhli loaches?  Neon tetras?  A sorority?  Someday… 

    Edited to add: Both of their current tanks have a heater and filter.  ☺️ They’re each in their own 3g tank, but I’m working getting them more space.

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  5. Thanks!  I’m not going to lie, I think I’ve watched and rewatched and read and reread so many videos and articles that I’ve overwhelmed myself. 

    Nebula is actually our third fish.  That bad advice we got was to put two girls together in a 3 gallon tank with no divider.  As I’m sure you can imagine and to our horror, it culminated in Fink going on a territorial rampage and tearing into Blaze, one of our original two baby Betta girls.  Oh, and this was all in full view of my 6 and 8 year old girls.  My inexperienced attempts to save her over the course of the next few days failed, and we ended up burying her under a baby pothos that I had just propagated.  My daughter named her memorial plant Blaze, after Baby Blaze.  And Plant Blaze is currently thriving.  😭🪴

    So now I guess I have a mama’s determination do this well.  I’m looking forward to learning from all the knowledge and encouragement you all have to offer! ☺️

  6. Hi!  I’m just a mom going down the rabbit hole and learning all that I can, as quickly as I can… 😅

    My girls were “gifted” two goldfish back in July, and we had no idea until they were handed to us in mini critter keepers.  We had zero fish experience and made emergency supply purchases based off of bad advice from the local chain pet store.

    Now that I’ve learned a little, I’m trying to upgrade their tanks (and ease the maintenance requirements… 🥲)  I’ve also come to love our little betta girls.  This fish stuff is pretty addicting…



    Fink — Aug 2022
    Fink — Aug 2022

    Nebula — Aug 2022Nebula — Aug 2022

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