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Ashley W.

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  1. Thank you so much for your detailed and thoughtful response. I know what the petstore was feeding, so I could do that. But I'll try grinding until I get some live baby brine. I'll pick up some veggies for the pleco, too. I really appreciate your help. Thank you again!
  2. Thank you! I'll get some frozen foods and some flakes. I just started the tank a few weeks ago. I added all of the fish over the past week. I've been checking parameters and everything looks good. I haven't seen them eat since I brought them home. Considering they're still alive I'm assuming they are eating, I just haven't seen it.
  3. I have a tank with neon tetras, african frogs, a betta, and a bristlenose pleco. None of them are eating their food. I'm currently feeding an algae wafer, betta pellets, and slow sinking pellets for the frogs and tetras. What should I be feeding them?
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