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  1. It was an impulse purchase - I thought if I waited they would sell out. I did buy the extra cartridge box…I thought maybe if I didn’t like it I could find someone who could use it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I saw things on the tidal - so with the 20 long you think I should have the tidal 55? Set it up say in the middle of the tank or to one side? And then setup my air stone on the other? Or have 2 smaller filters on both sides with maybe an air stone in the middle? I’m still trying to figure out my fish 😅 I’ve contemplated every fish under the rainbow. Currently I’m trying to learn more about pearl danios, not the celestial pearl danios- but I’m wondering if they’re the same because there’s so little videos or information about them and all I keep seeing is stuff about the cpd’s.
  2. That’s another one I’m toying around with- great to know I can have that many!
  3. I used that aqadvisor and thought this must be too good to be true lol - that’s great news for me, thank you! Thanks on the advice on the Cory’s- I’ll do that then. I didn’t realize they’d breed that easily. As far as the filter, I ordered the shark pro 500- I haven’t received it yet, not am I sure that it will be a good fit. I thought it might be a little too intense for a 20 long. It’s an internal filter but I think it’s probably better for maybe a 35 gallon tank but it says okay to use for 11 gallons… so I don’t know. I just started delving into heaters and thinking if i should avoid that and get fish that don’t need it. I used one with my Betts and one time noticed that the water was at like 88 and glad I caught it before it cooked him! So I’m a little weary on them now. That’s good to know! And yes the babies would definitely be a cool bonus. I think I’m going to come up with 3 different setups on paper and discuss them with the family and maybe take a vote. There’s so many things we can do it’s hard to narrow down to 1! I guess this is how people end up with 12 tanks 😂 Yes! I watched a couple videos on those and they’re a contender as well I think! Thanks for the suggestion, I really appreciate any input. I like the honey gouramis!
  4. Yea, sorry - maybe I should’ve have posted the 6 gallon. I’m not even sure I’m going to keep it going, at least not with any fish. I was thinking of maybe using it just for plants and maybe some snails or something 🤷🏻‍♀️ For the 20 long I’m planning I think The corys for sure - I was thinking 8 panda corys. It’s the mid level schooling fish I’m hung up on. I wanted a large group of them - if I chose something like green tetra I’d be worried if they’d get lost in that tank 🤷🏻‍♀️ No clue. That’s why the silver tip tetra intrigued me because they come up to the glass if you touch it but only if there’s a large group but I don’t know if with the 8 Cory I can have a large group so then I’m kinda back on the green tetra?? Everything I’m reading is saying 3 gal per silvertip tetra so that would only give me 6-7 and I’m afraid that won’t be a large enough number to keep them peaceful and happy. I was also looking into rummynose tetra. Then I read somewhere if I had a nicely planted 20 long, which I’m attempting to do- I can have like 12 silvertips in there- but then does that mean no corys? And is that even true in the first place? I guess the green tetra would be a safer bet and then get a honey gourami or something. I’m all over the place, sorry 😂
  5. Thank you for your suggestions! I’ll definitely think about it 👍👍 Ok that’s not as bad, haha. Would only 5 of them together be happy in a 20 long?
  6. How many can I comfortably keep in a 20 gal long? Also, would panda corys still work? I’m thinking of just scratching the idea of even having a centerpiece fish so that the school is the focal point. I’ve brought him to a store once and he wouldn’t leave without kicking and screaming haha. So when we were there he focused on those silver and black sharks? I forget what they’re really called but it’s what my uncle always told me they were called when I was little - I do know that those are a little harder to keep. He likes red and blues, I think? He’d appreciate color but I think it’s the movement and interaction he’d prefer Yes I’m going to have a lid this time! 😂 lesson definitely learned!!
  7. I thought about guppies…I’m afraid they’ll over produce? What do you do in that case? These seem interesting- Are they all that expensive though? That one was $125 😅
  8. Hi everyone, I’ve been in the hobby for only 3 years and kept a betta in a 6 gallon planted tank but alas, “Stuffed Crust” jumped to his death unbeknownst to me because the lid was left open. So lesson learned. Anyways-I’m now looking to expand. I’m doing away with the 6 gallon for now and upgrading to a 20 gallon long, planted tank. I’m not planning on having the tank ready until the fall due to the amount of money I want to put into it as well as making sure it’s comfortably setup for whatever fish babies I end up with. I’ve been doing lots of research and keep going in circles. I’ve never kept anything other than a Betta so I really don’t know the ins and outs. So here’s my objective: I want an active tank, so a schooling fish is really peaking my interest. I have a 4 year old non verbal autistic son who is absolutely captivated by fish and when we had our betta he’d spend several minutes at a time watching him. So it’s important to me that it’s stimulating for him (and me!) and that’s why the silvertip tetra are really peaking my interest but I worry that a 20 gal long planted tank won’t be able to comfortable to house a large group of them. Originally I was thinking of doing 8 panda cory, 1 male German blue ram and 8-10 silvertip tetra. I do want some bottom feeders that will keep things clean (I had a weekly 75% water change and vacuum I’d do with the 6 gallon but ideally I’d like something I can do every other week rather than every week or even I’d do a water change every week but a good sand vacuum every other). I guess I just keep second guessing what I’m choosing. I want a large school of something - and I want them to be active. The silvertip tetra really attract me because of how when you put your hands on the glass they follow and I know my son would get a kick out of that. Anyone have any stocking ideas that would be good for these requirements? I want all the living things inside this tank to be happy and comfortable. I’m not trying to breed or anything, at least not on purpose! I still consider myself new at this so anything that’s pretty hard wouldn’t be a good fit. Here’s a picture of my 6 gallon that’s currently not stocked with anything. Im still running it and putting frozen brine shrimp in there just to keep the bacteria happy 🤷🏻‍♀️
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