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Ray Ray

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  1. She said he was sucking on the glass cause he didn’t have any food lmao kid’s, what are ya gunna do lol
  2. Here’s an update turns out my granddaughter (6) had decided I’m not the Pleco enough, so in her wisdom she decided to start feeding it every week night after everyone is a sleep. She helps me feed in the mornings so she knows where the food is, but I dish it out and she dumps it in lol, anyway my wife heard some noise and came out and there she was fish food food in hand, and fingers wet with food on them. needless to say we had really long talk lol Anyway I want to thank you all for your help. It’s good to know there is good help out there if someone needs it
  3. it’s pretty much stuck at 40 Root tabs yes it was only 3 as I ran out and they were flourish also, the Prime is probably a double does more or less and add to the tank. I’ve read it helps lower nitrates but not in my tank lol All the ro/di system filters and membrane were replaced about 3 months ago and I check it once a month but it always comes up 0 ppm everything not sure what you mean by make up water? Top off water you mean?
  4. My Flourish bottle says it has 0.07% nitrogen i wouldn’t think that would be enough to do this, I only add it maybe once a month. I do add equilibrium to the ro/di water before I add it to the tank but I have tried just straight ro/di water to see if it changed anything and it didn’t
  5. Thank you all very much! I feel like a beginner again lol I have not ever had this problem before, water changes usually will fix my nitrates. I will give your suggestions a try. I’ll try to remember to update you thanks again
  6. I’m using API master kit and I do shake them more than recommended my tap water does have high nitrates but I run it through a ro/di system and that comes out at 0. I did have a lot duckweed in the tank and it was still high I took it out about a week ago tho but I’m sure it will come back. I’ve been looking at red root floaters and frogbit. I only dose flourish about once a month but I’m willing to try anything lol thank you all for your help I appreciate it
  7. Hello everyone! I’ve got a 30gal tank that I can’t get the nitrates down in, it got Black Diamond Sand, 1 matten filter, 1 60gal sponge filter, a Aquaclear 50 with Seachem Matrix in it, I use ro/di water and Equilibrium and Flourish. There is 1-6” Bristlenose Pleco in the tank no other livestock. It’s been set up and running for about 4 months now. I’ve done almost daily water changes of 20%, I’ve over dosed Prime, I feed the Pleco every 2 days 1 waffer and a bit of flake. I just checked my water again and it’s 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 40ppm Nitrates, kh-1, gh-5, tds-197. I don’t have this problem in any of my other tanks and have never had this issue this long. Any help would be appreciated
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