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  1. so im currently doing a 50 percent water change once a week, would you suggest 2 a week?
  2. I have a clown loach in this tank, would he eat the snails? i already have some ottos so im good there, should i stay the course dosing daily with excel?
  3. Hey everyone this is my first post here, well im not actually a newbie but i feel like one, ive had my 29 gallon up and running for about 10 years ! I have used pressurized co2 in the past and dosed dry ferts and had really good luck with my plants, that was about 5-6 years ago sadly i kind of lost intrest in my tank, other then basic cleaning ect, flash forward to now Ive found a renewed intrest in my tank and started doing weekly water changes bought new plants, switched out my 2 t5 lights for a nicrew led dosing easy green and overall im pretty happy with the look of the tank with the exception of the algea i have ill include 2 pictures one from about a month and a half ago, and one from yesterday, the original photo shows a lot of brownish algea on my plants and the one from yesterday the algea has turned bright green, i have been using excell for about 2 weeks and seems its had no effect, is there anything i can do for this tank, or did my neglect ruin it, and i should just start over
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