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Posts posted by Hulkson88

  1. I noticed this morning one of my ember tetras was swimming weirdly. I have a 29 gallon planted tank with some other common community fish. I noticed it was skinny and looked pale. I isolated it in a breeder box and put in a small amount of aquarium salt. It stopped swimming in the box for a second and almost go to the bottom before swimming again. What should I do and what is it. I have aquarium salt and the med trio on hand. 


    0ppm Ammonia and Nitrite

    15-20ppm Nitrate 

    100ppm Hardness GH

    100ppm Buffer KH

    7.8 pH

    0ppm Chlorine


  2. I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank with a heater, seeded sponge filter, and some silk plants. I just got a school of cardinal tetras and I put them in the tank. They all looked healthy at the store and no signs of disease. I dosed the med trio for preventive measures like Cory says. I have also tried dosing salt with no luck. They all die off one by one per day. Water is fine with 0 ammonia and nitrite and 10ppm nitrate 78 degrees. Why do my fish not make it past quarantine?

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