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  1. It’s been 3 years of having a planted aquarium tank and I have been thinking about redoing it after learning more and thinking of different layout ideas. I used Eco Complete when I started with a sand patch in the center and want to see if there’s better substrate brands out there from people with more experience. What is the best and most recommended substrate for planted aquariums?
  2. They have clips yes but I don’t want to look at black clips along the background. I’m hoping for a silicone method without draining my entire tank.
  3. Recently purchased an aquarium background from Universal Rocks after watching an Aquarium Co-Op video and I’m curious as to what is the best method to install it. This is my first 3D in tank background I’ve had and want to make this as smooth of an install as possible. Is there an in water silicone/adhesive paste that would work well where I don’t have to drain the tank? Thanks for your help.
  4. I have some Peacock Gudgeon eggs in an incubator in the tank and I just noticed that one of the males has some fungus on his face/eye. I don’t have a spare tank that I can put him in right now. Would using Maracyn have any effect on the eggs?
  5. One of my Peacock Goby is super thin and not gaining any weight. I’ve done a round of ParaCleanse and no luck. It eats a bit I assume because it’s been like this for awhile and I’ve seen it eat a pellet or two. If tried Xtreme Nano, blood worm, and brine shrimp. Wondering what you guys suggest. Thanks.
  6. No questions here. Just a little post of a good tank remodel this past weekend. Wish there was a bit more height to the dragon stone but once the background plants grow back it’ll fill in nicely I think. Was able to make the Co-Op cave fit in nicely. Once the plants grow in I’m going to purchase 8-12 Amano Shrimp to help with the algae issue a bit. But I’m very happy with the transformation and it’s new look.
  7. I’ve had this 20G tank for about a year now and for the last 4-5 months I’ve been dealing with some algae on my plants. Some I think is staghorn but some other algae I don’t know what it is. It’s just like green fuzz algae all over some of the leafs and it kills my Tiger Lotus…sad. Curious to know what you guys would think is the best course of action. I had some Amano Shrimp that slowly dwindled by jumping out but they never really ate anything. 3 Otos and Nerite snails that don’t touch it. I’m going to try and keep the Nitrates at 20 or below because they’ve been around 40-80 when I do water changes. Any help or advice would be very appreciated. Along with any help to improve my Tiger Lotus. Thanks
  8. I’d like to try giving my Ottos & Corys cucumber or zucchini but not sure which one would be better and how I would need to prepare it for them. Do I just boil it and toss it in for a couple hours? Which one do your Ottos like?
  9. Recently got ember tetras and one has popeye. I want to treat it with Maracyn but apprehensive to use because I have 2 African Dwarf Frogs in the tank. Don’t have a way to separate them/hospital tank. Is Maracyn safe to use w/African Dwarf Frogs?
  10. Recently got ember tetras and one has popeye. I want to treat it with Maracyn but apprehensive to use because I have 2 African Dwarf Frogs in the tank. Don’t have a way to separate them/hospital tank. Is Maracyn safe to use w/African Dwarf Frogs?
  11. Just stopped at my local Petsmart and found that all Fluval lights are on clearance and a 24”-36” light is $90 when it’s normally $170!!! Trying to decide if I should go back and buy one to have 2 on my tank or just to have one for a further tank. What do you guys think I should do? And also this post was for anyone thinking about getting a Fluval light or maybe starting a new tank to go look at Petsmart and take a look.
  12. @OutBoutMy tank has been running for about 5-6 months. I’m currently trying to get some green fuzz algae under control and noticed this the other night.
  13. Looking at my tank adjusting for some algae control and found this on some Vasisnaria (definitely spelled that wrong). WHAT IS THIS STUFF?!?!? Found something like it the other day during a water change floating around and I just thought it was weird roots or something but now I saw more of it. Should I be concerned?
  14. @Ištvan Bećar PecarošIm running a Hygger light for 10 hours. I do add EZ green fertilizer. PH: 7.2 Ammonia:0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate: was around 40-80 but I just did a water change.
  15. I’ve been dealing with some algae on my plants in my 20 gallon for awhile. It’s mostly on some fast growing green plants which is fine because you can’t really see them that well but my Red Tiger Lotus and another red plant I have are growing the green algae also and I can’t seem to beat it. The Tiger Lotus just started growing the algae but the other red plant has dealt with it for awhile and I just cut off the leafs. I’m wondering if anyone can identify this algae that’s growing on the leaf’s and what can I do to stop it from growing and ruining my red plants. I don’t run CO2 and don’t plan to. My aquarium light is one for 10hrs, used to be full day cycle about 2 months ago, and I have Otos, nerite snails and multiple Amano Shrimp. Nothing has an interest in eating that algae. Please help.
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